Dec. 18 Update: VCS Fudraising Challenge – Raise $10,000 by Dec. 31

VCS Challenge – Help Us Raise $10,000 by December 31

Dear VCS Supporter:

Thank you for making a difference in 2007 !

This year we successfully pressed for several pieces of legislation, and VCS appeared in dozens of favorable news articles about issues important to us – veterans, national security, and civil liberties.

After the fiasco at Walter Reed became national news in February, many more people became familiar with our efforts on behalf of veterans. Thanks to VCS, America knows VA hospitals already treated 264,000 Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans.

In 2008, VCS plans to intensify our efforts to publicize the plight of our returning veterans and promote common sense policies. We need your support now more than ever.  VCS released our policy goals Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans for 2008 today.

As part of our year-end fundraising appeal, a donor agreed to donate $10,000 if our 12,000 VCS members contributed $10,000 before December 31.  We can meet this challenge.

Please help VCS obtain these matching funds by donating to VCS today.

Our VCS advocacy efforts helped our veterans. The bill we supported, the Dignified Treatment of Wounded Warriors Act, passed Congress. Among other things, it expands free healthcare for our Iraq sand Afghanistan war veterans from two years to five years. VCS also helped get VA $1.8 billion to hire thousands of doctors and claims processors so our veterans get faster healthcare and benefits.

Please support our legislative policy success by donating to VCS today.

Our VCS publicity efforts uncovered serious problems facing our veterans. In November, CBS Evening News broke the story about the suicide epidemic among our veterans. Congress then held hearings about this tragedy. ABC News reported on increased drug abuse, and dozens of local newspapers and TV stations reported the needs and concerns of veterans after speaking with VCS.

Please support our national and local publicity efforts by donating to VCS today.

Help us meet our $10,000 donor challenge this month. VCS plans to travel and meet with veterans, conduct research into VA and military policies, meet with legislators, run our web site, and press forward with our lawsuit against VA in 2008. With your support, we will publicize our positions on key issues and fight to improve government policies for our veterans, our national security, and our civil liberties.

Thank you,

Paul Sullivan
Executive Director
Veterans for Common Sense

VCS provides advocacy and publicity for issues related to veterans, national security, and civil liberties. VCS is registered with the IRS as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and donations to VCS are tax deductible. VCS does not provide direct services to veterans.

Help us meet our urgent fundraising goal by December 31, 2007.

Multiple Ways to Support Veterans for Common Sense

Make a donation through PayPal

Try for your shopping and community-minded giving

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Designate VCS to benefit from your eBay auction

Send a check to:
Veterans for Common Sense
P.O. Box 15514
Washington, DC 20003



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