VA Resources for Virginia Tech Mass Murder

National Center for PTSD

The staff at the National Center for PTSD extend our condolences to all of those affected by the violence at Virginia Tech, the worst school shooting in US history. We know that continued support is vital in helping all individuals manage through this trying time.

This type of event can be categorized as an act of mass violence. Unlike reactions to community violence, which involves living in a community where violence is often prevalent, psychological affects following this type of mass violence are more similar to those following terrorism or disaster. Please see the links below on our website for useful information:

Related information for Providers

-Psychological First Aid Manual (with handouts)  

-Mental Health Reactions after Disaster/Mass Violence 

-More information for Providers

Information for individuals affected

-FAQ on Terrorism and Mass Violence 

-Reactions to Major Disaster/Mass Violence (handout) 

– More information about trauma and disasters 

Also see: National Child Traumatic Stress Network:


The Staff at VA’s National Center for PTSD

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