Nov. 6 Special Update: News About VCS Lawsuit Against VA

Veterans for Common Sense

Special Update on VCS Lawsuit Against VA

Dear VCS Supporter:

I wanted to provide our supporters with a progress report on our landmark VCS class action lawsuit against the Department of Veterans Affairs.

In addition, VCS needs your help today so we can gather and document individual “real-life” examples of VA horror stories – veterans who experiencing difficulty such as delays or denials getting PTSD treatment or PTSD disability benefits from VA.

First, a status report on our case. VA says our lawsuit is only a “policy gripe.” VA tried to dismiss our case on the grounds that our complaint fails to state a claim. Our legal team is currently drafting a response that outlines the government’s mistakes and the merits of our suit. We expect a ruling from the Judge by Spring 2008.

Second, an important element in the success of our lawsuit will be our ability to present “real-life” stories to the Judge and the Jury. While the overall statistics demonstrate how the government has failed our veterans on a grand scale, we must show the Court how these systematic failures ruined individual veterans and their families.

While all stories involving PTSD claims and healthcare are important, some of the most compelling stories are:

(1) Tragic situations where the VA failed to provide sufficient or prompt care to a veteran resulting in suicide or attempted suicide
(2) Cases where VA turned away or delayed a veteran for PTSD care because of a lack of VA healthcare providers
(3) Situations where VA denied PTSD medical treatment and/or disability benefits where a personality disorder discharge was involved in any way with VA’s decision.

If you have a compelling story regarding delays or denials of PTSD medical treatment or PTSD disability benefits, and you would be willing to have your story documented in support of our lawsuit, now is the time to step forward.

While we have many horror stories on file, each additional story from different parts of the country can help the hundreds of thousands of our veterans waiting now. Your story can also help the hundreds of thousands of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans still in the service who are about to get discharged and enter the VA.

To learn more about how you can help our case against VA, please go to our VCS special lawsuit website,, or contact Paul Taira from our legal team at (415) 268-7610 or Someone from our fantastic team of lawyers will contact you for an interview. Veterans, family members, and former VA employees or VA consultants are encouraged to contact us.

VCS will be sending out updates on a quarterly basis to keep everyone informed on developments. In the meantime, please contact me at VCS if you have any questions. Your support for our suit is appreciated.

Finally, VCS needs to raise $10,000 during November to pay our monthly program expenses providing advocacy for veterans. Please donate to VCS today.

Thank You,

Paul Sullivan
Executive Director
Veterans for Common Sense

Veterans for Common Sense November 2007 Fundraising Campaign Goal: $10,000

Help us meet our monthly goal by November 30, 2007.

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Veterans for Common Sense
1101 Pennsylvania Ave., SE, Suite 203
Washington, DC 20003



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