The Military Religious Freedom Foundation has made a grim discovery of manuals created by a coalescence of American fundamentalist Christians motivated by a theocratic thirst for power.
In the words of Mikey Weinstein, Founder/President of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation: “Armageddon is not an exit strategy for the multitude of monumental errors created in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
In their ominous own words: The Campus Crusade for Christ goal of reaching the world through the military is becoming manifest with a terrifying speed:
“utilizing various strategies to use to fulfill the “Great Commission” from Matthew 28:19 — Go and make disciples of all nations” by recruiting, creating, and sending out government-paid missionaries from U.S. Military training installations.”
This an overview of the divisions and subdivisions that come directly under Campus Crusade for Christ. (This is only a partial list, showing the primary divisions. There are numerous other organizations that have connections to these, either through individuals or organizational affiliations, some of which actually have DoD contracts for their programs.)
The Campus Crusade Strategy:
The first tier is:
1. CHRISTIAN EMBASSY (targeting the Pentagon.)
2. MILITARY MINISTRY (targeting all other military installations.)
The second tier, operating under MILITARY MINISTRY, includes:
1. MILITARY GATEWAYS (Targets Basic Training installations, and other training locations such as the Defense Language Institute.)
2. MILITARY CAMPUS MINISTRY (Targets U.S. Military Academies.)
MILITARY GATEWAYS is then subdivided into branch specific organizations:
1. AIRMEN FOR CHRIST (Operating at Lackland Air Force Base.)
2. SAILORS FOR CHRIST (Operating at Great Lakes Recruit Training Command &
Navy Training School Command.)
3. WARRIORS FOR CHRIST (Operating at Parris Island .)
MILITARY GATEWAYS has no specific subdivision for the Army because there are many Army basic training locations, while all recruits for the other three branches pass through a limited amount of locations, primarily those listed above. MILITARY GATEWAYS is already operating at Fort Jackson , the largest Army basic training location, and list on their website Fort Benning , Fort Leonard Wood, and Fort Sill as the next three targets, as well as listing others on their current “Strategy Sheet.”
Quotes such as the following are typical those found on the websites and throughout the literature of these organizations.
Campus Crusade for Christ’s first strategic objective:
“Evangelize and Disciple All Enlisted Members of the US Military. Utilize Ministry at each basic training center and beyond. Transform our culture through the US Military.”
(Source: Campus Crusade’s website and various Campus Crusade publications.)
From Military Ministry’s Executive Director, Maj. Gen. Bob Dees (ret.):
“We must pursue our particular means for transforming the nation — through the military. And the military may well be the most influential way to affect that spiritual superstructure. Militaries exercise, generally speaking, the most intensive and purposeful indoctrination program of citizens….”
(Source: “Life and Leadership,” the newsletter of Campus Crusade’s Military Ministry, Oct. 2005.)
Detailed instructions for carrying out the “Great Commission” can be found in the strategy manuals of the Military Ministry and the Military Missions Network, recently uncovered by the Military Religious Freedom Foundation.
These are few of the many examples of Christian Embassy and Officers’ Christian Fellowship members who also work for or endorse the Campus Crusade for Christ’s Military Ministry. Some are still active duty and some are recently retired. Recently retired officers should not be dismissed here. A big part of the Campus Crusade’s strategy includes utilizing retired officers as “insiders” with unrestricted access to the targeted military installations.
Lt. Gen. Jeffrey W. Oster, USMC (ret.), who led the Christian Embassy Discipleship Group for “Retired Generals & Admirals” in 2003 and 2004, is also the Executive Committee Chairman for Military Ministry. The dates are significant here because Gen. Oster was active in both organizations when the Military Ministry’s “Strategy” handbook came out. Gen. Oster retired from the Marine Corps in 1998, but from February through July of 2004 served as the Deputy Administrator and Chief Operating Officer of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq .
Brig. Gen. Robert L. Caslen was one of the officers in the Christian Embassy video. He also led the “Joint Staff” Christian Embassy Discipleship Group in 2001 and 2002.. CDR Chris Williams was a Christian Embassy Discipleship Group leader from 2001 to 2004. Both Gen. Caslen and CDR Williams have been elected members of the Officers’ Christian Fellowship (OCF) Council.
The OCF website and the Christian Embassy website both link to the Campus Crusade Military Ministry website, so Caslen and Williams are prominent members of both of these two organizations that endorse the Campus Crusade Military Ministry. As members of the OCF Council, they are responsible to “Determine the OCF’s mission, purposes, and strategic direction” and “Provide policy and Ministry guidance.”
Col. Keith Morgan was a Christian Embassy Discipleship Group leader in 2003 and 2004. He is also the Family Ministries Director for the Military Ministry.
From the Military Missions Network (MMN) Board of Directors bios:
“Chaplain, Colonel Tom Blase is Wing Chaplain at Lackland AFB, Texas . He is the senior chaplain of the largest USAF Chaplain Service team which ministers to Team Lackland personnel. Lackland is the “Gateway to the Air Force”, where all enlisted members receive Basic Military Training.”
According to (MRFF) own army of private investigators: The MMN and the Campus Crusade Military Ministry are inextricably connected in so many ways that they are almost one and the same.
For example: The founder and president of MMN (Gary Sanders) is also an Associate Staff member of the Military Ministry of Campus Crusade For Christ.
The National Director of the Military Ministry of Campus Crusade For Christ (Col. Chuck Macri (ret.)), is also on the Board of Directors of MMN.
A number of other MMN board members, staff, and volunteers (some active military and some retired or former military) who are also associated with the Military Ministry, Campus Crusade for Christ itself, and other connected organizations, such as the Officers’ Christian Fellowship.
Besides their connections to each other, both MMN and Military Ministry are equally part of this story because one of the “strategy” manuals we found is from MMN, and the other is from Military Ministry.