Yearly Archives: 2005

Scope of Plots Bush Says Were Foiled Is Questioned

Scope of Plots Bush Says Were Foiled Is Questioned Josh Meyer and Warren ViethLos Angeles Times Staff Writers October 8, 2005 WASHINGTON — In the spring of 2003, Los Angeles police officials were summoned to a briefing with the FBI-led … Continue reading

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The Other Hurricane: Has the Age of Chaos Begun?

The genesis of two category-five hurricanes (Katrina and Rita) in a row over the Gulf of Mexico is an unprecedented and troubling occurrence. But for most tropical meteorologists the truly astonishing “storm of the decade” took place in March 2004. … Continue reading

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Torture Advocate Withdraws Nomination for #2 Spot at Justice Department

Flanigan Withdraws as Nominee for Deputy Attorney General By Dan Eggen and R. Jeffrey SmithWashington Post Staff WritersSaturday, October 8, 2005; A03 The Bush administration’s choice for deputy attorney general has withdrawn his nomination amid mounting questions from Senate Democrats … Continue reading

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Humane treatment: The president should not have the flexibility to order the torture or abuse of prisoners.

The United States Congress should not have to pass a law requiring humane treatment of U.S. prisoners. Sadly, a clear requirement is necessary, and the Senate was right to vote 90-9 to provide one. In the war on terror, the … Continue reading

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U.S. general in Iraq: Growing disconnect with Washington

U.S. general in Iraq: Growing disconnect with Washington “I don’t know if I have the moral authority to send troops into combat anymore,” a senior American general recently told United Press International.          He knows what his power means — … Continue reading

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Guantanamo food strike ‘serious’

Last month, ICRC officials visited the US camp, where some 500 alleged Taleban and al-Qaeda fighters are being held. But spokeswoman Antonella Notari said she could not comment on details of what they had witnessed there. Inmates’ lawyers say some … Continue reading

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During War Speech, Bush Calls Himself a ‘Tyrant’ and a ‘Radical’

During War Speech, Bush Calls Himself a ‘Tyrant’ and a ‘Radical’ Bush’s speech today at the National Endowment for Democracy was loaded with what author Mark Crispin Miller has observed as Bush’s pathological tendency for “projectivity.” “Projectors are those people … Continue reading

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A son gone too soon

His mother wished she never let her 19-year-old son join the military. His brother wished he would have coaxed Baez into the Navy. But it’s unlikely either could have persuaded the headstrong and confident Baez differently. The Army was his … Continue reading

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Where fear can’t take us

Who can deny it? It’s an almost physical pleasure to watch President George W Bush’s fall from grace. And it’s so easy. All you have to do is say, “Bush has botched the war on terrorism. Bush is not keeping … Continue reading

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White House Tries to Quell a Rebellion on the Right

White House Tries to Quell a Rebellion on the Right WASHINGTON, Oct. 6 – The White House moved to contain a continuing revolt among conservatives on Thursday over President Bush’s selection of Harriet E. Miers for the Supreme Court. Some … Continue reading

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