Yearly Archives: 2007

Yet Another Alarm Sounded on Homeless Veterans and PTSD, But Who’s Listening?

November 8, 2007 – How many times do we need to hear an alarm? Once again, major studies are finding a swiftly growing number of homeless Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, and a coming tsunami. One out of four homeless are … Continue reading

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House Veterans’ Affairs Committee Passes the Fair Benefits for Guard and Reserve Act

November 7, 2007 – Today, the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee led by Chairman Bob Filner (D-CA), approved H.R. 3882, the Fair Benefits for Guard and Reserve Act.  The bill assists our nation’s Guard and Reserve forces in obtaining active duty … Continue reading

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Senator Obama’s Statement of Veterans’ Affairs Committee Hearing on Marion VA Hospital

November 6, 2007 – Today, U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) submitted the following statement for the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee hearing on “Hiring Practices and Quality Control in VA Medical Facilities.” He specifically addressed the issue at the Marion, Illinois … Continue reading

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Veterans Day VCS Editorial Column: VA and DoD Mask True Costs of Iraq and Afghanistan Wars

VETERANS’ HEALTH CARE: Masking true costs of war November 12, 2007 – Five decades ago, Darrell Huff’s bestseller ‘How to Lie With Statistics’ showed how valid numbers can be manipulated to generate inaccurate or biased conclusions. In that vein, the … Continue reading

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A Bill to Ban Blackwater . . . and Save Democracy?

November 7, 2007 – A team of Democratic lawmakers led by Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) introduced a bill this afternoon that would quickly force private security contractors out of Iraq and Afghanistan. The bill, which Schakowsky dubbed the S.O.S. — … Continue reading

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Trends in Treatment of America’s Wounded Warriors

New Report, November 2007: Psychological Trauma and Traumatic Brain Injuries:The Signature Wounds of Operation Iraqi Freedom andOperation Enduring Freedom

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Editorial – Questions for VA Nominee

November 7, 2007 – The White House’s nomination of retired Lt. Gen. James Peake as the next secretary of Veterans Affairs is an interesting choice. Peake began his career as an infantryman, was wounded in Vietnam, became a doctor and … Continue reading

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Surge Seen in Number of Homeless Veterans

November 8, 2007 – More than 400 veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have turned up homeless, and the Veterans Affairs Department and aid groups say they are bracing for a new surge in homeless veterans in the years … Continue reading

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Disabled American Veterans: ‘Shape Shifting on Veterans Day’

WASHINGTON, November 7, 2007 – On Veterans Day, politicians will praise the 30,000 troops “officially wounded” in action in Iraq and Afghanistan as if this “statistic” were some kind of “fact.” In doing so, they’ll harm the men and women … Continue reading

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House Tied in Knots Over Resolution to Impeach Cheney

November 6, 2007 – Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, is trying to impeach Vice President Cheney for what he describes as “high crimes and misdemeanors” before the invasion of Iraq. Right after the proposal was read on the House floor this … Continue reading

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