Yearly Archives: 2007

Editorial Column – Veterans’ Suicides – The War Casualties You Aren’t Hearing About

May 21, 2007  Jeffrey Lucey (1981-2004)Joshua Omvig (1983-2005)Jonathan Schulze (1981-2007) Like countless others, each of these young men served honorably in Iraq, but came home unable to cope with their memories of combat. Each one sought help from the military … Continue reading

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Iraq’s Hidden Casualties – 13,000 Working for Contractors

May 19, 2007 – WASHINGTON: Casualties among private contractors in Iraq have soared to record levels this year, setting a pace that seems certain to turn 2007 into the bloodiest year yet for the civilians who work alongside the U.S. … Continue reading

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Gaps Persist in Mental Health Care for Ft. Carson Soldiers Who Served in Iraq War

Corey Davis was a machine gunner in Iraq; he was featured in NPR’s December 2006 investigation on mental health care at Fort Carson. He told NPR that he began “freaking out” after he returned to the base; when he sought … Continue reading

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Iraq Attacks Kill 9 U.S. Troops

May 23, 2007 – Roadside bombings and gunbattles across Iraq killed nine U.S. servicemen, and U.S. authorities were examining a body found in a river south of Baghdad that Iraqi police believe is one of three U.S. soldiers seized in … Continue reading

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Iraq War May Add Stress for Past Vets

Trauma Disorder Claims at New High June 20, 2006 — More than 30 years after their war ended, thousands of Vietnam veterans are seeking help for post-traumatic stress disorder, and experts say one reason appears to be harrowing images of … Continue reading

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Editorial Column – Veterans Still Kept From Legal Help

May 19, 2007 – Should veterans enjoy the same legal rights as Social Security claimants, or even undocumented workers? This question was addressed by the Veterans Benefits, Health Care and Information Technology Improvement Act of 2006 (Public Law No. 109-461), … Continue reading

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Threated Livermore VA Campus Gets Boost From Congressman McNerney

May 18, 2007 – A freshman congressman is trying to keep a veterans hospital open by arguing that its placid grounds can provide the perfect setting for treating soldiers with post-traumatic stress disorder. The Veterans Administration is considering closing the … Continue reading

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States Move to Bar Depiction of Iraq War Dead

May 18, 2007 – PHOENIX — Incensed by the sale of anti-war T-shirts and other paraphernalia emblazoned with the names and pictures of America’s military dead, some states are outlawing the commercial use of the fallen without the permission of … Continue reading

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Secret Shots Sicken Service Members Sent to Iraq and Afghanistan Wars

Are secret vaccinations by military making service members sick? Click here to watch the television news cast:

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Iraq War Veteran Decries Denial of Medical Benefits

PALMYRA — Raymond Everlith Jr. served his country for 22 years and in two wars in the Middle East, but when it came time for him to get his teeth fixed, his nation demanded $250. When he retired from the … Continue reading

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