July 16, 2008 – The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office paired with the Newport-based Army recruiter on Saturday July 12, in an effort to convey information to jail inmates about the possibility of serving in the U.S. armed forces.
This effort is another step by the sheriff’s office to allow incarcerated individuals the opportunity to give back to the community.
Staff Sergeant Justin Morlock of the Army recruiting office in Newport gave some of his own time to the project and was on hand to provide information to all interested individuals. Over a time frame of two hours, Morlock was able to contact more than 30 inmates, out of which three were found to be eligible for military service. Though the eligibility numbers were smaller than expected, the effort was still worthwhile, according to the sheriff’s office, and has the potential to become a regularly scheduled program within the jail.
Deputy Steve Frey worked with Morlock during his visit to the jail.