Yearly Archives: 2009

Editorial Column: Security in Iraq, Relatively Speaking

February 3, 2009 – If there is to be any degree of honesty in our communication, we must begin to acknowledge that the lexicon of words that describes the human condition is no longer universally applicable. I am in Iraq … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: Why Are We Still at War?

February 3, 2009 – The United States began its war in Afghanistan 88 months ago. “The war on terror” has no sunset clause. As a perpetual emotion machine, it offers to avenge what can never heal and to fix grief … Continue reading

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’94 Military Report Panned Humvee as ‘Deathtrap’

February 3, 2009 – Army and Marine Corps officials knew nearly a decade before the invasion of Iraq that its workhorse Humvee vehicle, was a “deathtrap” even with armor added to protect it against roadside bombs, according to an inspector … Continue reading

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Taliban Burns 10 Trucks on Afghanistan-Pakistan Supply Route

February 5, 2009 – Reporting from Istanbul, Turkey, and Peshawar, Pakistan — A day after blowing up a crucial land bridge, Taliban militants torched 10 supply trucks returning from Afghanistan to Pakistan on Wednesday, underscoring the insurgents’ dominance of the … Continue reading

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New Play about Iraq War: The Lonely Soldier Monologues (Women at War in Iraq)

February 4, 2009 – William Electric Black will direct “The Lonely Soldier Monologues (Women at War In Iraq)” by Helen Benedict. The play is based on Benedict’s book, “The Lonely Soldier: The Private War of Women Serving in Iraq” (Beacon … Continue reading

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Blog: New Troop Deployments to Afghanistan Will Only Feed Insurgency, Says Report

February 4, 2009 – White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs insists that President Obama is still reviewing his options when it comes to the war in Afghanistan, but has so far refused to indicate where US policy is heading. This … Continue reading

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Waste, Fraud in Iraq Being Repeated in Afghanistan

February 2, 2009 – Waste and corruption that marred Iraq’s reconstruction will be repeated in Afghanistan unless the U.S. transforms the unwieldy bureaucracy managing tens of billions of dollars in infrastructure projects, government watchdogs warned Monday. The U.S. has devoted … Continue reading

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Documents Give Insight Into Increased Violence in Afghanistan

February 2, 2009 – Roadside bombs in Afghanistan have become the single biggest killer of civilians, coalition and Afghan troops, according to U.S. and coalition military documents obtained by CNN.  The documents, based on NATO statistics, show more than a … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: Unreleased Pentagon Report Urges Afghanistan War Escalation

February 3, 2009, Washington, DC – A classified Pentagon report urges President Barack Obama to shift U.S. military strategy in Afghanistan, de-emphasizing democracy-building and concentrating more on targeting Taliban and al-Qaida sanctuaries inside Pakistan with the aid of Pakistani military … Continue reading

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Suicide Bomber Disguised as Police Officer Kills 21 in Afghanistan

February 3, 2009 – Reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan, and Istanbul, Turkey — In an attack that underscored the vulnerability of Afghanistan’s struggling security forces, a suicide bomber dressed in a police uniform slipped into a police compound and detonated a … Continue reading

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