Yearly Archives: 2009

VAOIG Audits VBA’s Compensation Rating Accuracy and Consistency Reviews

March 13, 2009 – VBA understated the claim decision error rate by about 10 percent and they did not fully implement the review plans designed to ensure that claims for similar conditions received the same evaluations and benefits. However, they … Continue reading

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March 12, VCS in the News: Veterans React to Iraq Pullout Plans – ‘A War That Never Should Have Happened’

March 12, 2009 – While they see President Obama’s 18-month timetable to remove U.S. troops from Iraq as a necessary first step to change, veterans’ organizations say Iraq and Afghanistan urgently need diplomacy and development, not lingering deployments or troop … Continue reading

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Mar 12, VCS in the News: Soldiers Committing Suicide

March 11, 2009 – Upon returning from Iraq, 23-year-old Marine Lance Corporal Jeffrey Michael Lucey suffered episodes of such intense war-induced rage that he’d often need to be consoled by his parents, who would rock him back to normalcy in … Continue reading

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Military Personnel Face Unique Challenges, Consequences

March 12, 2009 – At a family wedding, I had the chance to catch up with a cousin who has decided to join the military in lieu of unsubsidized education, blaming lack of personal direction and available work. This reason … Continue reading

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Secrecy a Factor in Rise of Military Suicides

March 11, 2009 – The Department of the Army has finally gone public and acknowledged the alarming rate of suicide among its ranks. While Army leadership is to be commended for breaking the barrier of silence regarding mental illness in … Continue reading

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Vets Need Help Fighting War in Their Heads

March 11, 2009 – President Obama’s new secretary for Veterans Affairs, retired general Eric Shinseki, is coming to town Friday to visit the VA Medical Center in North Chicago. Here’s hoping he meets Maj. Shari Johnson of the U.S. Army … Continue reading

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Founders of Film School for Wounded Troops Take Flak from First Class

March 10, 2009 –  This isn’t the script the directors of a San Diego film school had in mind when they opened their doors in January 2008 to train wounded troops in what was hailed as a nationally innovative program. … Continue reading

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Some Wounded Soldiers More Likely to be Punished

March 10, 2009, Fort Bragg, NC – Staff Sgt. Jason Jonas says when he goes to bed at night, he is terrified his medication will cause him to oversleep and miss morning roll call again. His commanders are fully aware … Continue reading

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Army Stands Up Task Force to Prevent Suicides

March 6, 2009 – Brig. Gen. Colleen McGuire has been selected to head up a new task force to prevent suicides in the Army. “Suicide is a multi-dimensional problem and as such will take a multi-disciplinary approach to dealing with … Continue reading

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VCS Testimony: FY2010 Veterans Programs Budget Proposals

Fiscal Year 2010 Veterans Programs Budget Proposals A hearing was held on the proposed fiscal year 2010 budget for programs for veterans. Witnesses testified about the $112.8 billion budget for 2010, which was a $15 billion boost from the previous … Continue reading

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