Tag Archives: mental health

Book on Experimental Anthrax Vaccine Due Out Soon

Anthrax Vaccine Expose Is On Despite Reported InoculationA title from Basic about anthrax that’s likely to cause controversy is going ahead “full-steam” according to the publisher, after a source late last week said the book’s publication was in question. “Vaccine … Continue reading

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Are U.S. Soldiers Victims of Experimental Anthax Vaccine?

Victims of Experimental Anthrax Vaccine?N.C. troops say military program is unsafe Two days after a military nurse injected Lavester Brown with the anthrax vaccine at Pope Air Force Base near Fayetteville, his heart failed. Brown was 34, an avid athlete, … Continue reading

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Experimental Anthrax and Smallpox Vaccines Pack One-Two Punch

Vaccine-induced heart problems; Smallpox vaccinations and anthrax vaccine Smallpox vaccinations have been linked to serious heart problems. Seventy-seven of over 615,000 (1.25{cd9ac3671b356cd86fdb96f1eda7eb3bb1367f54cff58cc36abbd73c33c82e1d}), according to the Pentagon, have developed myopericarditis, an inflammation of the sac around the heart. The Centers for … Continue reading

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Army Veteran Claims Experimental Anthrax Vaccine Associated with Illness

Soldier seeks answers in medical separation The walls are stripped bare, the furniture, pictures and awards are packed in storage, and the wheelbarrow and baskets overflowing with flowers that brightened the front yard have been given to neighbors. All that’s … Continue reading

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Veterans to Testify About Force Health Protection

National Gulf War Resource Center press release The Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats, and International Relations, with oversight responsibilities for the Department of Defense (DOD) and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has scheduled a hearing entitled Protecting the Health … Continue reading

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VA Asks DoD for Info on Gulf War II Health Risks

In a letter sent last week to Mr Rumsfeld, Anthony Principi, the secretary of veterans’ affairs, demanded that the Pentagon disclose data on US troops’ exposure to chemical, biological or radiological weapons in the event of a war on Iraq. … Continue reading

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Gulf War Veteran Fears Health Disaster from New War

Anthony Hardie insists he’s no longer bitter, but his voice suggests otherwise. Although he’s proud to have served with the U.S. Army in the Persian Gulf War – a war, by the way, he believes the United States was justified … Continue reading

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UK Soldiers Refuse Experimental Shots

Thousands of members of the Royal Navy, army and Royal Air Force have rejected the MoD’s strong recommendation that they accept jabs to protect against chemical and biological attacks. If war breaks out, the majority of forces personnel who would … Continue reading

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Troubling History of Experimental Vaccines

December 16, 2002 Mystery surrounds secret 1991 vaccines Britain sent more than 53,000 troops to the Gulf war 12 years ago. They faced the threat of chemical and biological attacks and a series of medical counter measures were hurredly introduced. … Continue reading

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Major Reactions to Experimental Smallpox Vaccine

As physical specimens, the Baylor University students were fit and healthy, the “crème de la crème,” in the words of researcher Kathy Edwards. Yet when she inoculated them with smallpox vaccine, arms swelled, temperatures spiked and panic spread. It was … Continue reading

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