Tag Archives: terrorism

Human Rights Groups Say Bush Administration Holds 39 ‘Ghost’ Prisoners

June 6, 2007 – Six human rights groups on Wednesday released a list of 39 people they believe have been secretly imprisoned by the United States and whose whereabouts are unknown, calling on the Bush administration to abandon such detentions. … Continue reading

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Panel OKs Bill for Guantanamo Detainees

June 7, 2007 – A bill that would allow terrorism suspects access to federal courts to challenge their imprisonment at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday. The committee, on an 11-8 vote, advanced a … Continue reading

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Iraq Stand Brings Challengers for Maryland GOP Congressman

June 3, 2007 – Elkton, Maryland – Yellow ribbons and American flags cover store windows and car bumpers in this Eastern Shore town, which recently said goodbye to its largest deployment of National Guard members since World War II. But … Continue reading

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Action in Congress

June 2007 Disability Ratings Dustup Senators grilled Pentagon officials about major disparities in the way the armed services award disability ratings. They also challenged disparities in the award practices of DOD and the Department of Veterans Affairs. Retired Army Lt. … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: Republican Party Leader Says ‘all we need is some attacks on American soil’

Another Long Summer Politics in the American style has never been particularly sane, to be sure. Every so often, however, the usual level of strangeness we’re accustomed to reaches a new gear, and the whole show just goes right over … Continue reading

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‘Moral Decision’ Jeopardizes Navy Lawyer’s Career

May 18, 2007 – NORFOLK, Va. – Matt Diaz was a Navy lawyer with 18 years of military experience when duty called at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Six months there broke him. Now, in a case that reflects the fierce dissent … Continue reading

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Governors Need $24 Billion to Restore National Guard Broken by Iraq War

Iraq depleting Guard’s equipment, Easley says May 14, 2007 – Years of war in Iraq have cut into the North Carolina National Guard’s fleet of trucks, communications equipment and other gear, and the state could come up short in a … Continue reading

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Are Iraq War Costs Spinning Out of Control?

The tab is $423 billion and rising, prompting economists to reassess US military and homeland security costs. The invasion of Iraq was launched four years ago with a “shock and awe” display of American military might. As bombs fell, Baghdad’s … Continue reading

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Editorial – The Fear Industry

May 6, 2007 – George Tenet made patently ridiculous claims about weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq, while serving as CIA director, and was eventually fired. Former Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz made patently ridiculous claims about WMD in … Continue reading

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Editorial – America’s Shadow Army in Iraq

May 1, 2007 | The Democratic leadership in Congress is once again gearing up for a great sellout on the Iraq war. While the wrangling over the $124 billion Iraq supplemental spending bill is being headlined in the media as … Continue reading

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