Tag Archives: terrorism

Scope of Plots Bush Says Were Foiled Is Questioned

Scope of Plots Bush Says Were Foiled Is Questioned Josh Meyer and Warren ViethLos Angeles Times Staff Writers October 8, 2005 WASHINGTON — In the spring of 2003, Los Angeles police officials were summoned to a briefing with the FBI-led … Continue reading

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Where fear can’t take us

Who can deny it? It’s an almost physical pleasure to watch President George W Bush’s fall from grace. And it’s so easy. All you have to do is say, “Bush has botched the war on terrorism. Bush is not keeping … Continue reading

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Ex-army officers attack ‘chaos’ of Iraqi regime

It was meant to be a moment of reconciliation between the old regime and the new, a gathering of nearly 1,000 former Iraqi army officers and tribal leaders in Baghdad to voice their concerns over today’s Iraq. But it did … Continue reading

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Rogue Soldiers or Rogue President? Scapegoating Small-Fry

Rogue Soldiers or Rogue President? Scapegoating Small-Fry By Ray McGovern, TruthOut, Saturday October 1, 2005     The news that yet another Army private, Lynndie England, 22, of Fort Ashby, West Virginia, has been convicted and sentenced for posing for the infamous photos of … Continue reading

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We’re no safer today

MY CONNECTION with 9/11 is personal. I am a pilot for American Airlines. In September of 2001, I had AA Flight 11 on my flying schedule. As you may recall, AA Flight 11 was the first airplane hijacked. It subsequently … Continue reading

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UN Human Rights Body to Scrutinise U.S. Abuses

The U.N. Human Rights Committee, scheduled to meet in Geneva next month, has written to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) calling for any available evidence of human rights abuses by the United States — particularly in the aftermath of its global war … Continue reading

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Bishops suggest apology for war

A report from a working group of bishops says the war was one of a “long litany of errors” relating to Iraq. As the government is unlikely to offer an apology, a meeting of religious leaders would provide a “public … Continue reading

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Due Process

Jose Padilla is no angel. He had an extensive arrest record even before the Bush administration ordered him held indefinitely as an “enemy combatant.” But here is what the U.S. Constitution says about how the law must treat the non-angelic: … Continue reading

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Roberts’ Rules Of War

In the first few days of Judge John Roberts’ hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, most senators focused their questions on his views of privacy, precedent and free speech. So far, only Sen. Russ Feingold has asked Roberts about his … Continue reading

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Unraveling of the U.S. Military

In a recent speech at Fort Bragg, a major U.S. military base, president Bush declared, “There is no higher calling than service in our armed forces.” It seems fewer and fewer young Americans and their parents agree with him. The … Continue reading

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