Assistance to Find Polling Places and Learn About New Voting Rules

People for the American Way Foundation

Polling Place Locator

For General Election, November 2, 2004.  For NEW VOTERS not sure of their Polling Location.

Where’s your polling place? The People for the American Way Foundation has provided an invaluable service with their guide to polling places across the country. Find out where to vote, what kind of voting machine will be used, map and driving directions, a short list of voters’ rights, and step-by-step instruction for the exact voting equipment at the polling place by visiting

Stuart Comstock-Gay
Executive Director, National Voting Rights Institute

* AND: Remember to take Drivers License or Picture ID.

New Resources from The League of Women Voters

The League of Women Voters of the United States (LWVUS) has embarked upon a voter education campaign with the publication of “5 Things You Need to Know on Election Day” cards. The cards are meant to familiarize voters with new election procedures, to ensure that votes are properly counted, and to kick off a public awareness effort that involves a LWVUS tour in the run-up to the November election. The League also issued a report Helping America Vote: Safeguarding the Vote that provides guidelines for state and local election officials to implement better election practices. Read the report at

To download a card or for further information, visit

Finally, the the League of Women Voters has put together a gude to
implementing the new federal provisional ballot requirement. To view the
guide, visit

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