Yearly Archives: 2005

One victim’s story

ON each stage of his journey, as he descended further and further into the gulags and torture chambers of the war on terror, Benyam Mohammed al-Habashi was shadowed by British intelligence. The British were there in Karachi when Americans interrogated … Continue reading

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Night And Fog Revisited

Field Marshall Wilhelm Keitel, supreme chief of the German armed forces, explained the thinking behind the Nazis’ “Night and Fog” (the term comes from Goethe) decree: “Efficient and enduring intimidation can only be achieved…by measures by which the relatives of … Continue reading

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Guantanamo Process as a Public Danger

The prevailing belief that the procedures at Guantanamo Bay (GTMO) protect us because they make it easy to keep “enemy combatants” locked away is misguided. When legal process is not rigorous and convictions are easy to win, the danger is … Continue reading

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GOP Stands Up For U.S. Right to Torture

GOP Stands Up for U.S. Right to Torture Austin, Texas — On one of those television gong shows that passes for journalism, the panelists used to have to pick an Outrage of the Week. Then, each performer would wax indignant about … Continue reading

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Americans Favor Impeachment of Bush If He Lied about Iraq War

Poll: Americans Favor Bush’s Impeachment If He Lied about Iraq By a margin of 50{cd9ac3671b356cd86fdb96f1eda7eb3bb1367f54cff58cc36abbd73c33c82e1d} to 44{cd9ac3671b356cd86fdb96f1eda7eb3bb1367f54cff58cc36abbd73c33c82e1d}, Americans want Congress to consider impeaching President Bush if he lied about the war in Iraq, according to a new poll commissioned by … Continue reading

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When Torture becomes Policy

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government.” Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 President Bush has made it clear … Continue reading

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Diary of a Vietcong doctor: The Anne Frank of Vietnam

“I had to do an appendix operation without enough medicine. Only a few tubes of Novocain, but the wounded young soldier never cried out or yelled. He continued to smile to encourage me. Looking at the forced smile on his … Continue reading

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Dangers in Damascus

For a Syrian, Samir Nashar is close to being a dream democrat. He’s liberal, secular, rich—and brazenly outspoken. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has “lost his credibility,” Nashar boldly told a NEWSWEEK reporter who visited him recently at his home in … Continue reading

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The War to End All Wars That Started Them All

I just read an excellent book on World War I, and it made me incredibly sad. World War I was the beginning of all the horrors of the 20th century and of problems we still have to deal with in … Continue reading

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Scope of Plots Bush Says Were Foiled Is Questioned

Scope of Plots Bush Says Were Foiled Is Questioned Josh Meyer and Warren ViethLos Angeles Times Staff Writers October 8, 2005 WASHINGTON — In the spring of 2003, Los Angeles police officials were summoned to a briefing with the FBI-led … Continue reading

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