Yearly Archives: 2005

Iraq War, Fallujah, and White Phosphorus

A War Crime Within a War Crime Within a War Crime The revelations from Falluja are piling up By George Monbiot, The Guardian, November 22, 2005 The media couldn’t have made a bigger pig’s ear of the white phosphorus story. … Continue reading

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Reporter’s Notebook: In Baghdad, Capital Vistas Gradually Shrink With Insecurity

Reporter’s Notebook: In Baghdad, Capital Vistas Gradually Shrink With Insecurity By Robin Wright, Washington Post, Friday, November 25, 2005 BAGHDAD — Five months after the fall of Baghdad, I went to Iraq with Colin Powell. It was the first visit … Continue reading

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‘War on terror’ tactics pull US into a legal minefield

The Bush administration appeared this week to have circumvented what might have become a messy Supreme Court battle over its right to detain indefinitely US citizens it suspects of being terrorists. By filing criminal charges against Jose Padilla, a US … Continue reading

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‘Cheney is Vice President for Torture’

The devastating accusations have been made by Admiral Stansfield Turner who labelled Dick Cheney “a vice president for torture”. He said: “We have crossed the line into dangerous territory”. The American Senate says torture should be banned – whatever the … Continue reading

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Will the US Seize the Opening for Troop Withdrawal?

The surprising degree of consensus reached by the main Iraqi factions at the Arab League-orchestrated Reconciliation Conference in Cairo last weekend sharply undercuts the unilateral, guns-and-puppets approach of the Bush administration to the deteriorating situation in Iraq. The common demand … Continue reading

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Padilla Case Tests the Patriot Act

The government’s 11th-hour decision to dump the ridiculous case of accused ”dirty bomber” Jose Padilla on the criminal court to which it should have been referred nearly four years ago is Exhibit A against the Patriot Act as currently written. … Continue reading

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The Bosnian Example for Iraq

  Ten years ago today the leaders of three hostile ethnic and religious communities in a war-ravaged land reluctantly agreed — thanks to overwhelming U.S. military and political pressure — to stop fighting and live together under their country’s first-ever … Continue reading

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Call for Troops’ Removal Reverberates at Home

Situated at the junction of the Conemaugh and Stonycreek rivers, Johnstown is best known for the Great Flood of 1889, in which a 35-foot wall of water roared into town and killed more than 2,000 residents in 10 minutes. But … Continue reading

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Iraq war critic predicts withdrawal by US elections

Rep. John Murtha, the Democrat whose call for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq set off a furor last week, on Sunday predicted U.S. forces would leave Iraq before next year’s U.S. congressional elections. The Pennsylvania lawmaker, a Vietnam veteran and … Continue reading

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Mixed messages on torture put U.S. agents in a bind

The U.S. government has placed what appear to be irreconcilable demands on its spies. The most recent evidence came last week, when President Bush denounced torture while Vice President Dick Cheney worked behind the scenes to defeat a measure in … Continue reading

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