Yearly Archives: 2006

‘Bioshield II’ – Legislation Threatens our Freedom

Since the attacks of September 11th, 2001, the citizens of the United States have been challenged by elevated alerts predicting bioterrorism. The facts, however, do not support this paranoia. In the only biological attack in our nation’s history our country … Continue reading

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Iraq: Just a Coup Away

The provisional results of the December elections in Iraq are already in dispute, but that doesn’t stop Washington from pointing to the vote as a success in its quest to create a peaceful, stable and free Middle East. But the … Continue reading

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Playing With Fire: Congress and Executive Power

If the pundits are right, this week’s confirmation hearings for US Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito, Jr. will involve much discussion of “Executive power.” Senators will express concern that the Bush Administration has, over the past four years, expanded … Continue reading

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Iraqi widows feel lost in land that cannot provide

Three sewing machines in a dingy apartment were all Munna Abdul Adeem Ahmed could scrape together when she set up a tailoring co-op for poor widows. She soon realised it was not enough. More than 1,000 women from the northern … Continue reading

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The botched ‘war on terror’

President George W Bush has lost the support of most Americans when it comes to the economy, the environment and the war in Iraq, but he continues to enjoy majority support in one key area: his handling of the “war … Continue reading

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Domestic spying issue likely to dominate politics in 2006

One week into the new year, we are already mired in an acrimonious debate over whether George W. Bush – who vows to continue his warrantless domestic spying program – is crafting an imperial presidency unfettered by constitutional checks and … Continue reading

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The Real Choice in Iraq

The administration’s rhetorical devolution speaks for itself. Yet, with some luck and with a more open decision-making process in the White House, greater political courage on the part of Democratic leaders and even some encouragement from authentic Iraqi leaders, the … Continue reading

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Scandal of force-fed prisoners

New details have emerged of how the growing number of prisoners on hunger strike at Guantánamo Bay are being tied down and force-fed through tubes pushed down their nasal passages into their stomachs to keep them alive. They routinely experience … Continue reading

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Bush defies Congress in filling defense, foreign policy posts

US President George W. Bush has defied Congress again by placing a slew of controversial political allies in key national security and foreign policy posts, circumventing the requisite approval process in the Senate. Bush resorted to the same recess appointment … Continue reading

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The Cost of the War

    Nobel Laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz and Harvard budget expert Linda Bilmes plan to present this week a paper estimating the cost of the Iraq War at between $1-2 trillion. This is far higher than earlier estimates of $100-200 billion.     Here … Continue reading

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