Yearly Archives: 2006

Ruling Allows Reservists to Petition for Back Pay

A federal board has ruled that a new cohort of National Guard and military reservists may petition for back pay because of improperly charged military leave A recent ruling by the Merit Systems Protection Board, an independent agency that helps … Continue reading

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Discharged and dishonored: Shortchanging America’s veterans

Like thousands of his fellow veterans of America’s wars, Alfred Brown died waiting. In 1945, when he was a 19-year-old soldier fighting in Italy, shrapnel from an enemy shell ripped into his abdomen. His wounds were so severe that he … Continue reading

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Young war vets face uphill climb in job market

Some of our newest veterans are dealing with one of America’s oldest problems. Coming home from the battle lines and heading straight for the unemployment line. The latest Department of Labor statistics show that veterans between the ages of 20 … Continue reading

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GOP lawmakers work to limit probe of domestic spying program

WASHINGTON – Republicans in Congress are trying to limit the scope of any investigation into how President Bush’s secret domestic-surveillance program has operated. Some key lawmakers are also working to legalize such spying on U.S. citizens in the future, perhaps … Continue reading

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VA chairman eyes steps to ‘modernize’ GI Bill

  Rep. Steve Buyer, R-Ind., chairman of House Veterans Affairs Committee, wants active-duty veterans to have more “flexibility” to use Montgomery GI Bill benefits. He also will consider making Reserve MGIB benefits “portable” so they can be used after reservists … Continue reading

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Swelling the ranks of an old crisis: our veterans

It was recently announced that according to Pentagon figures, more than 100,000 Middle East war veterans are likely to require mental health treatment in the years ahead. Typically, official bad news numbers are low, and the report explained that even … Continue reading

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Hidden wounds of the war

When Christian Lopez began his second tour of duty in Iraq, he was “psyched.” Then came the dreams. In them, the Marine watched friends die. He dreamed that an IED (improvised explosive device) blew off his leg. Eventually, he became … Continue reading

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For Some, the War Won’t End

Editor’s Note: The following editorial from the New York Times demonstrates an ongoing assault against veterans.  Sally Satel of the American Enterprise Institute argues that many veterans who served in Vietnam are filing for compensation for post-traumatic stress solely in … Continue reading

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Two Texas veterans running in tough congressional races

Two Texas veterans who have never run for public office say they are in tough congressional races for the same reasons they fought in Iraq: to help their country. David T. Harris is trying to defeat the most powerful Texan … Continue reading

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Personal Essay: To A Soldier

  I saw you in the airport, in desert pattern combat fatigues, a duffle bag over your shoulder. Briefly, I saw myself in 1968, in this same airport, my head nearly shaved, my uniform looking like a clown suit on … Continue reading

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