Dec. 4 Alert: With Just One Click – You Can Block Peake
Dear VCS Supporters:
Veterans for Common Sense asks you take action for our veterans today. VCS wants you to contact Senators today and ask them to block the confirmation of Dr. James Peake to be the head of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
With one easy click, VCS asks you to e-mail the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee today and urge Senators to block President George W. Bush’s nomination of Dr. Peake.
Here are the hard facts. VCS opposes Dr. Peake’s nomination because of the many unanswered questions about his performance as Army Surgeon General from 2000 to 2004, including possible knowledge about the torture of enemy prisoners of war and his presiding over the negligent treatment of our wounded, injured, and ill Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
* Illegal Torture: VCS asks you to read a 2005 New York Times newspaper article about the documented use of our U.S. military doctors to torture enemy prisoners of war. VCS does not allege Dr. Peake was personally involved in torture; rather, VCS wants Senators to raise the issue of using military doctors at Guantanamo Bay during the December 5 confirmation hearing of Dr. Peake:
* Walter Reed Fiasco: VCS believes that the general who presided over the Walter Reed fiasco must never be permitted to become the highest government official responsible for the same veterans that he failed to assist just a few years ago. The Wall Street Journal reported the problems at Walter Reed on their front page in August 2003. Clearly, Dr. Peake knew firsthand about this outrageous crisis and allowed it to fester without fixing it:
* More Walter Reed Scandal: Please read the Walter Reed focus group report conducted by VA employees during the Summer of 2004. Based on serious complaints in 2003, VA researchers thoroughly documented the enormous out-patient problems at Walter Reed that emerged while Dr. Peake was Army Surgeon General.
VCS wants you to tell Senators to fight for the immediate enactment of S 1606, the Wounded Warrior bill. We all want reform. VCS also wants Senators to vote against the nomination of the unqualified Dr. Peake to lead VA.
Veterans for Common Sense keeps fighting for our veterans. Will you please help VCS today with a donation of $25 to $50?
VCS also asks you to send this e-mail to your friends and ask them to contact Senators and to join VCS today.
Thank you,
Paul Sullivan
Executive Director
Veterans for Common Sense
Veterans for Common Sense December 2007 Fundraising Campaign Goal: $10,000
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