Yearly Archives: 2007

Edwards to Unveil Plan for Veterans With PTSD

November 12, 2007 – Presidential contender John Edwards is introducing a $400 million plan Monday to help veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder, including those recently returned from combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. Under Edwards’ plan, veterans could seek counseling for … Continue reading

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Fellow General Says Peake Should Not Run VA

November 1, 2007 – Dr. James Peake, the retired Army general whom President Bush recently nominated to head the Department of Veterans Affairs, has a long and distinguished career. Among other things, he ran the Army’s medical system until a … Continue reading

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Senators Byrd and Sanders Secure Funds for Gulf War Illness Research

Senators Lead Effort on Behalf of Estimated 175,000 Affected Gulf War Veterans November 9, 2007 – Washington, DC – U.S. Senators Robert C. Byrd, D- West Virginia , and Bernie Senders, I- Vermont , applauded the Senate’s passage of a $10,000,000 … Continue reading

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Editorial – Vote NO on Peake to Head VA

November 11, 2007 – To care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan. If those words seem vaguely familiar, if somewhat out of fashion, it is because they form the motto of … Continue reading

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Iraq War Veteran Says He is Having Trouble Receiving VA Medical Care

November 12, 2007 – A soldier with the Army National Guard says his convoy was hit by a bomb in Iraq. He says he is now battling the VA for help with medical care. Specialist John Colley says shrapnel from … Continue reading

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Back, But Not At Home

November 11, 2007 – Every step mattered. Corporal Patrick Murray focused hard on his balance and gait as he approached the commanding officers of his Marine battalion one hot Sunday in July. Murray was due for a medal honoring his … Continue reading

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Veterans Are Home, But Not At Ease

November 10, 2007 – Daniel Bozorgnia was honorably discharged from the Army in 2006 after his convoy blew up in Iraq. The blast slammed him to the ground, but adrenaline kept him going until days later, when the back pain … Continue reading

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Mentally Ill Veterans Sent Back to War

Those who have worked with veterans for decades say a big problem is that the Department of Defense and Veteran Affairs don’t share crucial medical information. “There are veterans diagnosed with PTSD and the Department of Veteran Affairs knows. But … Continue reading

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Iraq War Veteran Tore Through Red Tape for VA Disability Aid

November 10, 2007 – Robert Lee Aiken III is a smart man. He knows which benefits are due him as an Iraq war veteran. He knows how to fight bureaucracy. He’s working on a new career so he can adequately … Continue reading

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Senator Bond Salutes Veterans

November 7, 2007 – Veterans Day gives us the opportunity to remember that we would not enjoy the freedoms we have today were it not for the willingness of our troops, and our veterans, in every generation to fight on … Continue reading

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