Yearly Archives: 2007

Four Buffalo, New York Soldiers Commit Suicide

FOCUS: VETERANS’ SUICIDESSuicides are the tragic consequences of warScarred by military trauma and with damaged pysches,four area soldiers took their own lives November 4, 2007 – Add these four local men to the military’s list of casualties. Matthew A. Proulx. … Continue reading

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Editorial: Remove U.S. Paid Foreign Mercenaries from Iraq

Legal Loopholes in Iraq  November 5, 2007 – Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice refers to the lack of legal accountability that allows mercenaries working for the American government to kill Iraqis without fear of prosecution as “a lacuna” in our … Continue reading

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Judge Michael Mukasey is (Much) Worse than Attorney General Alberto Gonzales

November 4, 2007 – George Bush’s nominee to replace disgraced former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, retired Federal Judge Michael B. Mukasey, must be rejected by the Senate Judiciary Committee for the same reason that Gonzales should have been rejected in … Continue reading

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Is Bush Losing Afghanistan War? – Taliban Seize Control of Third District in Western Afghanistan

November 5, 2007 – Taliban militants have taken control of a third district in western Afghanistan. Local officials say the militants captured the Khaki Safed district in the western Farah province late Sunday, with police and government officials fleeing without … Continue reading

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Florida VCS Calls on Senators Feinstein and Schumer to Reject Judge Mukasey as New Attorney General

Dear Senators Feinstein and Schumer: Florida Veterans for Common Sense, a non-partisan veterans’ group with members who have served in every major conflict from WWII to the Iraq, ask you to reconsider your decision to vote to confirm Judge Michael Muskasey … Continue reading

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Former Military Attorney: Waterboarding Torture is Illegal

Waterboarding Used to Be a Crime As a JAG in the Nevada National Guard, I used to lecture the soldiers of the 72nd Military Police Company every year about their legal obligations when they guarded prisoners. I’d always conclude by … Continue reading

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Army Launches PTSD and TBI Awareness Programs

November 5, 2007 – Do you know a soldier who just isn’t acting like himself these days? If so, he could be suffering from post traumatic stress disorder or traumatic brain injury as a result of serving in Iraq or … Continue reading

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Iraq War-Related Soldier and Veteran Suicides Top 430

It’s time to change of count of American war dead upward. The Associated Press has got hold of a preliminary government study on suicides by Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans. According to the VA, at least 283 combat veterans who … Continue reading

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Civil Liberties Defeat: Senators Schumer and Feinstein Support Bush Nominee Who Refused to Call Waterboarding Torture

November 2, 2007, WASHINGTON, DC (AP) – Michael Mukasey drew closer to becoming attorney general Friday after two key Senate Democrats said they would vote for him despite his refusal to define an interrogation technique that stimulates drowning as torture.  … Continue reading

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The Hidden Iraq War: 5 Million Iraq War Casualties – 1 Million Killed plus 4 Million Refugees

November 1, 2007 – Amman, Jordan–It is said that Iraq is the world’s best-known conflict but the least well-known humanitarian crisis. In the United States, where public attention span is low but the capacity for denial high, Iraq’s daily carnage … Continue reading

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