Yearly Archives: 2007

Editorial Column: Was Bill Clinton Against the Iraq War?

November 29, 2007 – The New York Times and Washington Post (11/28/07) both failed to adequately challenge the dishonesty of former President Bill Clinton’s declaration that he had been opposed to the Iraq War “from the beginning.” Clinton, in fact, … Continue reading

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Dec. 4: Just One Click – Email Senators to Oppose Peake Nomination to Lead VA – Hearing is on Wednesday

Dec. 4 Alert: With Just One Click – You Can Block Peake Dear VCS Supporters: Veterans for Common Sense asks you take action for our veterans today. VCS wants you to contact Senators today and ask them to block the … Continue reading

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VA Disability Claims Backlog Gets Longer: Veterans Wait More than Six Months for Benefits

November 28, 2007 – Wounded veterans are being forced to wait longer and longer for a disability check, according to new data from the Department of Veterans Affairs information obtained by McClatchy Newspapers. According to McClatchy, veterans must wait an … Continue reading

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Injured Without Treatment: Iraq War Veteran with TBI and PTSD Falls Through Cracks at VA

Injured without scars: The hidden wounds of battle from traumatic brain injury and post traumatic stress disorder December 2, 2007 – Laboran Pickens is fighting to get medical treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder after 10 years in the military and … Continue reading

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Judge Ignores Constitution, Blocks Prisoner from Knowing Government Witnesses

VCS Note: Army Colonel Peter E. Brownback III, the judge in the prosecution of an enemy prisoner of war, forgot to read his Constitution that protects everyone’s freedom by allowing everyone suspected of a crime to confront the witnesses against them, … Continue reading

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Editorial Column – Have They No Shame?

November 27, 2007 – Every Saturday, the president of the United States gives a radio address to the nation. It is followed by the Democratic response, usually given by a senator or representative. This past Saturday the Democrats chose retired … Continue reading

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PTSD Clinic for Female Veterans

November 29, 2007 – Cincinnati, Ohio – More women are part of the U.S. military and seeing combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some return with the same psychological problems their male counterparts faced for years, post traumatic stress disorder. Local … Continue reading

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Tale of Three Medics – Part Two

November 27, 2007 Editor’s Note from Brian Ross: In the third year of a joint project with the nonprofit Carnegie Corporation, six leading graduate school journalism students were again selected to spend the summer working with the ABC News investigative … Continue reading

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Editorial Column – VA is Broken

After reading a number of e-mails and digesting their comments, I think I’d like to share my view of the Department of Veteran Affairs with you. The National Cemetery Administration is the worst organization to deal with. Plain and simple, … Continue reading

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Letter to the Editor – VA Waging War Against Veterans

November 26, 2007 – When a soldier loses a limb as a result of a roadside bomb, one such case was reported as having been classified by the Department of Veterans Affairs as “not” service-connected, thereby minimizing his sacrifice and … Continue reading

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