December 3, 2008 – IN THEIR BOOTS is releasing a documentary on the Jeff Lucey story. It will be available online at Spread the word and help us bring attention to this issue.
A Marine Reservist seeks help from the Department of Veterans Affairs to heal his invisible wounds. But like too many Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, his condition worsens, his medical needs go un-met, and he ultimately takes his own life. For the past four years, his family has been advocating to prevent other veterans from experiencing a similar fate.
Log on to on Wednesday, December 3rd at 7pm EST/4pm PST to watch the latest webcast of IN THEIR BOOTS. This 30-minute show profiles the challenges American service members and their families face before, during and after deployment. This show is not about war but the people experiencing it.
After the “real story,” our host, Jan Bender, will speak with an expert on the issue of service member suicide.