Yearly Archives: 2009

Jan 5, Enormous Victory for Freedom: President-Elect Obama’s Justice Nominees Support Restoring Our Constitution

January 5, 2009 09:58:40 PM, WASHINGTON – In filling four senior Justice Department positions Monday, President-elect Barack Obama signaled that he intends to roll back Bush administration counterterrorism policies authorizing harsh interrogation techniques, warrantless spying and indefinite detentions of terrorism … Continue reading

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Movie Review: The Best Years of Our Lives is Rated Number One Best Film Ever

The 10 Best American Movies January 4, 2009 – It’s Top Ten time again, and like everyone else I have a list, in my case a list of the 10 best American movies ever. Here it is, with brief descriptions … Continue reading

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Liberty Lost in Maryland: More Groups than Thought Were Illegally Spied Upon by Government

Sunday, January 4, 2009; Page A01 – The Maryland State Police surveillance of advocacy groups was far more extensive than previously acknowledged, with records showing that troopers monitored — and labeled as terrorists — activists devoted to such wide-ranging causes … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: UK Army Failed in Iraq

January 3, 2009 – The destruction of the Army’s reputation will be one of the most lasting of Tony Blair’s legacies. As we enter the year when the last British troops leave Iraq, further evidence is emerging of just what … Continue reading

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Jan 3, VCS in the News: Army Illegally Promotes Religion to Combat Suicide Epidemic Among U.S. Soldiers

The U.S. Military is barred from enacting or supporting policies that advance, promote or endorse religion. But according to the amended Military Religious Freedom Foundation lawsuit that is exactly what the military has been doing.  Paul Sullivan, the executive director … Continue reading

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After Repeated Iraq War Deployments, Suicides and Homicides Impact Army’s Fort Carson

A Focus on Violence by Returning G.I.’s January 2, 2009, Fort Carson, Colorado — For the past several years, as this Army installation in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains became a busy way station for soldiers cycling in and … Continue reading

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Historical Review: Vice President Richard Cheney’s Legacy of Deception

In the end, the shame of Vice President Dick Cheney was total: unmitigated by any notion of a graceful departure, let alone the slightest obligation of honest accounting. Although firmly ensconced, even in the popular imagination, as an example of … Continue reading

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Meeting Recruiting Goals: Gulf War Veteran, 50, Ordered to Iraq War

January 2, 2009, Murfreesburo, Tennessee – A veteran who has been out of the military for 15 years and recently received his AARP card was stunned when he received notice he will be deployed to Iraq. The last time Paul … Continue reading

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Brutal Murders of Homeless Veterans in Miami Spark Protest by Fellow Veterans

Angered over two recent slayings, veterans gathered to demand more help in getting homeless vets off Miami’s streets. January 2, 2008 – Dozens of veterans gathered at Government Center in downtown Miami on Wednesday afternoon to speak out against two … Continue reading

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