Yearly Archives: 2009

Editorial Column: Battling to End Military Stigma

February 27, 2009 – The rising and frightening number of suicides and suicide attempts by U.S. combat veterans is a shameful legacy of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. For years, the military was reluctant to admit the existence of the … Continue reading

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Feb 27: President Obama Promises to End Iraq War by August 2010

Obama announces end of Iraq combat mission; President says ‘highest priority’ will be security of troops and civilians February 27, 2009, Camp LeJeune, NC – President Barack Obama on Friday declared that the United States would end its bloody and … Continue reading

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Review Board May Disappoint Disabled Vets

February 28, 2009 – Complaints from veterans and from a high-profile commission that the services routinely were “low-balling” disability ratings for military members spurred Congress to take action last year. Among other things it ordered the Department of Defense to … Continue reading

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Senate Will Advance Torture Commission

February 24, 2009 – The Senate Judiciary Committee plans to move forward with a commission to investigate torture during the Bush administration. Committee Chairman Pat Leahy, D-Vt., told Salon Tuesday that his panel would soon announce a hearing to study … Continue reading

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Senator Leahy Calls Hearing to Discuss Truth Commission to Investigate Bush Administration Abuses of Power

February 25, 2009 – On the Senate floor today, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), chairman of the Judiciary Committee, announced that his committee will hold a hearing next week to discuss proceeding with a “truth commission” to investigate the abuses of … Continue reading

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Senator McCaskill Wants Changes in How Military Treats Drugs and Alcoholism

February 25, 2009, Columbia, MO – Sen. Claire McCaskill wants the Army to clean up its method for treating soldiers with drug and alcohol problems.  The Missouri Democrat introduced legislation today calling for changes in the military’s approach to substance … Continue reading

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Frequently Asked Questions on Philippine World War II Veterans’ Disability Claims

February 24, 2009 – The President of the United States signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 on February 17, 2009, authorizing the release of a one-time, lump-sum payment to eligible World War II (WWII) Philippine veterans.  These … Continue reading

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Feb 24, President Obama Promises More Troops, Pay Raise for Military, Plus Benefits and Healthcare for Veterans

As we meet here tonight, our men and women in uniform stand watch abroad and more are readying to deploy. To each and every one of them, and to the families who bear the quiet burden of their absence, Americans … Continue reading

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After Guilty Plea Offer in Iraq War Fragging Case, G.I. Cleared of Iraq Deaths

February 23, 2009 – On Dec. 4, Staff Sgt. Alberto B. Martinez was found not guilty of killing two New York Army National Guard officers in Iraq — a rare case of soldier-on-soldier violence in the war and a crime … Continue reading

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Feb 23, VCS in the News: Veterans Advocates Riled by Report on Army Charity – $117 Million in Cash Unspent

Paul Sullivan, executive director of Veterans for Common Sense, in Washington, D.C., said AER should rework its policies to help more veterans. Right now, it limits emergency aid to active-duty soldiers and veterans who served long enough to retire.  February … Continue reading

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