(Washington – March 20, 2017) – Veterans for Common Sense, a Washington, DC-based veterans organization, today released the following statement in response to the release of a report regarding a healthcare inspection by the Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA-OIG) entitled, “Evaluation of the Veterans Health Administration Veterans Crisis Line” (Report No. 16-03985-181, March 20, 2017).
“In 2007, VCS filed suit against VA on behalf of veterans experiencing impossibly long wait times to access VA healthcare and disability benefits – and the survivors of veterans who committed suicide while waiting. Within the same year, VA launched the National Veterans Suicide Prevention Hotline, which today is known as the Veterans Crisis Line (VCL).
“It has been disheartening to hear of VA’s Veterans Crisis Line staffing issues, responsiveness, and appropriateness of responses, particularly in light of continued high suicide rates among veterans of all ages.
“Today’s report release confirms those issues and others. What’s most concerning is that these serious issues remain unaddressed.
“Veterans for Common Sense calls on the Trump Administration to immediately begin implementing the VA Inspector General’s recommendations for the Veterans Crisis Line. Every day we wait could mean more veterans’ lives are lost through suicide – some might be prevented by ensuring VA’s front-line Veterans Crisis Line is adequately staffed, its workers properly trained, and no veteran’s literal call for help goes unanswered, placed on hold, or sent to voicemail. Our veterans deserve the care they need at the time it is needed.“
According to the VA OIG report, “Since its launch in 2007, through September 2016, VCL staff have answered over 2.5 million calls and initiated the dispatch of emergency services to callers in crisis over 66,000 times.”
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Hi, I’m a Vietnam Vet. (Nam 67-68) now staying at the Brockton Ma. V.A. and while staying here
I have become the Victim of a THIEF!!! Stolen were my most Valued Possessions!!!
The reason I tell You-All this is. If You need Medical Help? The V.A. is Very Good.———————
————————–But the THIEVES Are HERE And THEY Are HUNGRY!!!!——————————
————————————-“A word to the wise should be sufficient.”—————————————-
—To Those that Served “Over Seas” WELCOME HOME!!!——————————————————
—To Everyone Who Severed “Thanks For A Job Well Done”!!!————————————————
From the Belly of the Beast!!!
—————————————STOLEN From Me at the Brockton Ma. V.A.———————————–
1. an Elec. Razor!!!!
2. An AM-FM Radio!!!
3. CASH (Over $60.)
5. My VISA/CARD!!!! (My Good Credit!!!)
6. My BANK-CARD!!!! (My Life’s Savings!!!!)
7. Respect for the V.A. (And That RESPECT is Gone FOREVER!!!!!)
I’m sorry this happened to you. My father is a Vietnam vet. I hope you reported the theft to law enforcement. Thieves can be caught using surveillance cameras in rooms. This is unfortunately common in hospitals, convalescent homes, and other institutions. The lesson for all is to take with you only what you absolutely require. Leave all else home, with a trusted friend, or with a trusted relation. I’m glad you received good medical care.
There are some real Good people working at my V.A. BUT there are some real Slugs. Lazy…
TOO many NONE Veterans working at the Hospital. Even the Director of mine is Not a Veteran and does Not have a P.h.D. I am not sure how much he earns per year. Although I looked up what the Director of the Florida V.A. makes.. 400,000 each year. Four hundred thousand……
That’s how much the President of the United States makes and he gives it to Charity.
Welcome Home to all who Never got it
The Thank you for your service many of my friends say must give them (none Veteran) a warm fuzzy feeling inside.
A while ago I told a fellow Veteran I got called a Baby Killer years ago.
He said “When he came home a guy jumped in front of him at the airport and first Spit in his face and then called him a Baby Killer”
No thanks for our service.
Soilders did Not loose the war Politicians Lost it.
We just got blamed for it…………
U.S. Army
South Dakota……..
Report your lose to the cops.
Dad always said the squeaky wheel gets the grease.