Tag Archives: Civil Liberties Articles & News

Editorial Column: A Victory for the Rule of the Law

June 13, 2008 – It shouldn’t be necessary for the Supreme Court to tell the president that he can’t have people taken into custody, spirited to a remote prison camp and held indefinitely, with no legal right to argue that … Continue reading

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Veterans for Peace to Deliver Impeachment Petition to Congress

June 10, 2008, Washington, DC – At 1:00pm, June 11, in room 1629, Longworth House Office Building, members of a national veterans’ organization will hold a news conference to display the 22,000 names they collected on a petition to impeach … Continue reading

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ACLU Urges Congress to Examine White House National Security Council as Central Decision-Maker on Torture

June 9, 2008, Washington, DC – On the eve of two important congressional hearings tomorrow, Caroline Fredrickson, director of the ACLU’s Washington Legislative Office said, “It is time to get to the bottom of this administration’s torture regime Congress and … Continue reading

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ACLU At Guantánamo For Arraignment Of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Today

June 5, 2008, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba – As part of a $15 million commitment to provide adequate legal defense for several Guantánamo detainees, attorneys from the American Civil Liberties Union are present for the arraignment today of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed … Continue reading

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US May Have Held Prisoners of War at Diego Garcia Island in Indian Ocean, despite UK denials

Ships, torture claims, and missing detainees: America may have held terror suspects in British territory, despite UK denials June 2, 2008 – The controversy over prison ships was first highlighted in June 2005 when the UN’s special rapporteur on terrorism … Continue reading

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ACLU Obtains Heavily Redacted CIA Documents Regarding Waterboarding Torture

May 27, 2008, New York, NY – The American Civil Liberties Union today obtained several heavily redacted documents concerning the CIA’s use of waterboarding as well as a CIA Office of Inspector General report on the CIA’s interrogation and detention … Continue reading

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Canadian Supreme Court Rules Guantánamo Detention And Prosecution Of Prisoner Violated U.S. And International Law

May 23, 2008 – The Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) ruled today that Canadian officials violated the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms – analogous to the U.S. Bill of Rights – by turning over interrogation records of Canadian citizen … Continue reading

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May 21, Torture Lawsuit News: Dept. of Justice Inspector General Report Details How U.S. Torture of Prisoners Began in 2002

May 21, 2008, Washington, DC – F.B.I. agents complained repeatedly, beginning in 2002, about the harsh interrogation tactics that military and C.I.A. interrogators were using in questioning terrorism suspects, like making them do dog tricks and parade in the nude … Continue reading

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Senator McCain Targeted for Opposing Sen. Webb’s New GI Bill Education Benefits for Veterans

May 19, 2008, Hampton, VA – Democrats and their allies are ready to convert Sen. John McCain’s stance on college aid for military veterans into a presidential campaign cause. McCain, the all-but-nominated Republican presidential candidate, opposes a Democratic-backed bill that … Continue reading

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Bush Torture Policies on Trial in Italy

May 14, 2008, Milan, Italy – Clutching her Italian identity card in a gloved hand, the cloaked wife of a fiery Muslim cleric Wednesday tearfully recounted publicly for the first time how her husband was kidnapped on a Milan street … Continue reading

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