Tag Archives: Guantanamo

Hidden Angle

Two weeks ago we wrote about our concern that little media attention was being paid to a massive hunger strike that had been taken up by over a quarter of the detainees at Guantanamo Bay, demanding, among other improvements in … Continue reading

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Rogue Soldiers or Rogue President? Scapegoating Small-Fry

Rogue Soldiers or Rogue President? Scapegoating Small-Fry By Ray McGovern, TruthOut, Saturday October 1, 2005     The news that yet another Army private, Lynndie England, 22, of Fort Ashby, West Virginia, has been convicted and sentenced for posing for the infamous photos of … Continue reading

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The Buck Stops with Lynndie

Lynndie England is convicted. Donald Rumsfeld cackles. England, the 22-year-old private, was found guilty as prosecutors convinced an all-male Army jury that she bore full responsibility for ”her own sick humor” in the infamous photographs of her at Abu Ghraib … Continue reading

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Torturous Silence on Torture

    Where do American religious leaders stand on torture? Their deafening silence evokes memories of the unconscionable behavior of German church leaders in the 1930s and early 1940s.    Despite the hate whipped up by administration propagandists against those it brands “terrorists,” most … Continue reading

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UN Human Rights Body to Scrutinise U.S. Abuses

The U.N. Human Rights Committee, scheduled to meet in Geneva next month, has written to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) calling for any available evidence of human rights abuses by the United States — particularly in the aftermath of its global war … Continue reading

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Roberts’ Rules Of War

In the first few days of Judge John Roberts’ hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, most senators focused their questions on his views of privacy, precedent and free speech. So far, only Sen. Russ Feingold has asked Roberts about his … Continue reading

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Chinese Detainees Are Men Without a Country

In late 2003, the Pentagon quietly decided that 15 Chinese Muslims detained at the military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, could be released. Five were people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time, some of them picked … Continue reading

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Island Mentality

The detainee, by all appearances, is resigned to his fate. Throughout his hearing, he remains stoic, not once even shifting in his chair, let alone jostling the restraints that bind his wrists and ankles. His tan jumpsuit indicates his compliance … Continue reading

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Military Denies Rigging Guantanamo Tribunals

The Pentagon acknowledged yesterday that two former members of the military team handling prosecutions of suspected terrorists at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, had alleged last year that the trial system was rigged in favor of the government. A Pentagon spokesman said, … Continue reading

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Two Prosecutors Faulted Trials for Detainees

As the Pentagon was making its final preparations to begin war crimes trials against four detainees at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, two senior prosecutors complained in confidential messages last year that the trial system had been secretly arranged to improve the … Continue reading

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