Tag Archives: mental health

VA Won’t Release Records About Spokane Psychiatrist

February 17, 2009, Spokane, WA – The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs will not say whether the psychiatrist who attended to two veterans who killed themselves last year was involved in other cases resulting in suicide in 2008. Finding that … Continue reading

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Montana Model for Assessing Returning Vets for PTSD and TBI

February 18, 2009 – Following the suicide two years ago of a recently deployed combat vet, Montana has become a model for accessing and assisting veterans who show symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). While … Continue reading

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Feb 13, Part Six of Salon Suicide Series – Eastridge

February 13, 2009 – Late on the night of March 11, 2006, Kenneth Eastridge got in a fight with his girlfriend. It ended with his arrest for a felony. The Kentucky native, an Army soldier stationed at Fort Carson, between … Continue reading

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Feb 10, Part Four of Salon Suicide Series: ‘Kill Yourself, Save Us The Paperwork’ – The Death of Ryan Alderman

February 10, 2009, Fort Carson, CO – It was unseasonably warm for November in Colorado as Heidi Lieberman approached the door of the Soldiers’ Memorial Chapel at Fort Carson. She walked past a few of the large evergreens that dot … Continue reading

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Senator McCaskill Urges Army to Provide Drug Abuse Treatment to Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans

February 9, 2009 – Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., turned the tables on Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America on Monday at a Capitol Hill briefing in which the group was pressing lawmakers for help in passing veterans legislation. McCaskill, a … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: Army Suicides May Pass Army Combat Deaths in January 2009

February 7, 2009 – The continued rise of OEF/OIF veteran suicides reported by the military over the past weeks isn’t very surprising news for longtime followers of this issue; but, it’s no less alarming. Swamped with conferences, classes, and organizing … Continue reading

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Utah VA Creating Movie to Help Police Deal with Combat Veterans

February 6, 2009 – There’s a training video in the works, targeting a troubling trend among American combat veterans. Some who struggle with mental health issues end up in deadly standoffs with police, and the state Department of Veterans Affairs … Continue reading

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Feb 9, Part Two of Salon Suicide Series: Coming Home to Fort Carson – Profile of Adam Lieberman

“The Death Dealers took my life!” Adam Lieberman tried to kill himself when he returned from Iraq. Only then did the Army take his mental health seriously. Salon Editor’s note: This is the first story in a weeklong series called … Continue reading

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New Play about Iraq War: The Lonely Soldier Monologues (Women at War in Iraq)

February 4, 2009 – William Electric Black will direct “The Lonely Soldier Monologues (Women at War In Iraq)” by Helen Benedict. The play is based on Benedict’s book, “The Lonely Soldier: The Private War of Women Serving in Iraq” (Beacon … Continue reading

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DoD Confirms Role Combat Plays in Suicide Epidemic

January 29, 2009, Washington, DC – The Army is committed to finding out why more soldiers committed suicide in 2008 than ever recorded, Army officials told reporters during a media roundtable today at the Pentagon. “[Suicide] is not just an … Continue reading

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