Tag Archives: terrorism

Oct 15, Torture News: White House Wrote Secret Memos Endorsing CIA Torture Tactics

Waterboarding Got White House Nod October 15, 2008 – The Bush administration issued a pair of secret memos to the CIA in 2003 and 2004 that explicitly endorsed the agency’s use of interrogation techniques such as waterboarding against al-Qaeda suspects … Continue reading

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Perpetuating Lies: Memorial in New Mexico Incorrectly Ties Iraq War to September 11

October 14, 2008 – A plan to etch the words and images of 9/11 on a monument to Soldiers who fell in Iraq has ignited a debate about whether the publicly funded memorial links the war in Iraq to the 2001 … Continue reading

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Guantanamo Prosecutor Who Quit Had ‘Grave Misgivings’ About Fairness

October 12, 2008 – Darrel J. Vandeveld was in despair. The hard-nosed lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve, a self-described conformist praised by his superiors for his bravery in Iraq, had lost faith in the Guantanamo Bay war crimes tribunals … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: Obama’s Edge Over McCain on Iraq War

October 7, 2008 – Both McCain’s and Obama’s Iraq policies are too ambiguous for the layperson to comprehend. It is clear that if you want to expedite the process of getting out of Iraq, Obama is your candidate. If you … Continue reading

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Pakistan Government Facing Bankruptcy

October 6, 2008 – Officially, the central bank holds $8.14 billion (£4.65 billion) of foreign currency, but if forward liabilities are included, the real reserves may be only $3 billion – enough to buy about 30 days of imports like … Continue reading

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Pakistan: 12 Dead in Suspected U.S. Strike

October 3, 2008 – Two suspected U.S. missile strikes Friday on villages close to the border with Afghanistan killed at least 12 people, most of them militants, Pakistani intelligence officials said. American forces recently ramped up cross-border operations against Taliban … Continue reading

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Red Cross: Pakistan ‘is Now a War Zone’

October 3, 2008, Peshawar, Pakistan – War has come to Pakistan, not just as terrorist bombings, but as full-scale battles, leaving Pakistanis angry and dismayed as the dead, wounded and displaced turn up on their doorstep. An estimated 250,000 people … Continue reading

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Suspected U.S. Missile Strike Kills 6 People in Pakistan

October 1, 2008, Islamabad, Pakistan – A suspected U.S. missile strike on a Taliban commander’s home in Pakistan killed six people, officials said Wednesday, a possible indication that Washington was moving ahead with cross-border raids despite protests from the new … Continue reading

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Speaker Says Iraq War is Skewing U.S. Image

September 28, 2008 – The relationship between the West and the Muslim world in these early years of the 21st century can be characterized by one word: anxiety. “There’s Islam anxiety in the West and there is America anxiety in … Continue reading

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Afghanistan War Update: U.S. Officer Claims Pakistan Military Forces Aided Taliban Fighters with Supplies

September 21, 2008 – Pakistani military forces flew repeated helicopter missions into Afghanistan to resupply the Taliban during a fierce battle in June 2007, according to a Marine lieutenant colonel, who says his information is based on multiple U.S. and … Continue reading

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