Tag Archives: VA Claims Crisis

Op-Ed: Veterans Deserve Better Treatment

Column by “The Watchdog” Mentions VCS / VUFT Lawsuit Victory May 25, 2011, Allentown, Pennsylvania (Morning Call) – As Memorial Day approaches, there is new hope the federal government will improve the care it offers military veterans. A federal appeals … Continue reading

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VCS Testifies at House Veterans’ Affairs Hearing on VA FY11/FY12 Budget Request

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Budget Request for FY 2011 and FY 2012 House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs | Room 334 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC | 02/04/2010   Witness Testimony of Paul Sullivan, Veterans for Common Sense, Executive Director … Continue reading

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May 10, VCS Report About VA in the News: Veterans Groups Predict ‘Perfect Storm’ of Problems at VA

May 10, 2009, Washington, DC – From the economic crisis at home to a troop increase in Afghanistan, veterans’ advocates are warning of a “perfect storm” that could flood an already beleaguered health care network for former service members. Even … Continue reading

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Apr 6, Book Review: VA Deputy Secretary Nominee Scott Gould and Harvard Professor Linda Bilmes Publish Book on Improving Federal Workforce

The Government’s People Power Problem Imagine Jim, a 49-year-old federal worker in the Department of Veterans Affairs. Jim does the best he can, working long hours to process disability compensation claims for veterans, but the backlog is growing. He needs … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: VA Presumes All Veterans are Dishonorable

March 16, 2009 – Since reconvening in January, Congress has proven surprisingly capable of swift movement to redress some of the worst injustices of the past eight years. The past two months alone have brought legislation in support of job … Continue reading

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Mar 16, VCS in the News: Fire VBA Officials Who Hid 16,000 Veterans’ Claim Letters

March 14, 2009 – The House Veterans’ Affairs Committee wants President Barack Obama to add another $800 million to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs fiscal year 2010 budget to ensure veterans’ health care funding doesn’t dry up. Obama’s proposed 2010 … Continue reading

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Veterans With Post-Traumatic Stress Fight for Aid

March 9, 2009 – It was during his first deployment in Iraq that Marine Cpl. David Tracy, 23, of Peekskill earned his Purple Heart. “I was up top behind the gun when we stopped at a checkpoint and a roadside … Continue reading

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Mar 5, New VA Scandal: 16,000 Unopened Claims Letters Hidden at VA’s Detroit Office

March 3, 2009 –  A new report about Veterans Affairs Department employees squirreling away tens of thousands of unopened letters related to benefits claims is sparking fresh concerns that veterans and their survivors are being cheated out of money. VA … Continue reading

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VA Secretary Vows Action on Benefits Backlog

(March 3, 2009) – The American Legion, in Washington for its annual lobbying push, received pledges of support on Tuesday from members of Congress and the Veterans Affairs secretary, with an emphasis on improving VA’s processing of claims for benefits … Continue reading

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Shinseki Wants Electronic System to Deal with Claims Backlog

February 5, 2009 –  The Veterans Affairs Department needs an electronic claims system if it is ever to eliminate its massive claims backlog, new VA Secretary Eric Shinseki told a House committee Wednesday. “If you go into the adjudication rooms … Continue reading

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