Yearly Archives: 2003

US Morale Reportedly Flagging

Baghdad, Iraq (AP) – Ask any soldier in Iraq with a 3rd Infantry Division patch on the shoulder how it’s going, and the reply will be some version of the following four words: ”Ready to go home.” The thrill of … Continue reading

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Veterans’ Healthcare Squeezed by VA

Hundreds of thousands of veterans of earlier U.S. military conflicts might also no longer qualify for VA health care or might be forced out by rules proposed by the Bush administration to relieve an overburdened system. The changes would increase … Continue reading

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Bush’s VA Limits Care for Disabled Veterans

A majority of veterans hospitals do not offer all of the long-term care services mandated by a 1999 law, according to a new report from the General Accounting Office. The Veterans Millennium Health Care and Benefits Act of 1999 required … Continue reading

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US Plans Executions at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

“US Plans Death Camp” The US has floated plans to turn Guantanamo Bay into a death camp, with its own death row and execution chamber. Prisoners would be tried, convicted and executed without leaving its boundaries, without a jury and … Continue reading

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UK MP Blasts FOX News’ Manipulation of War Coverage

Mr Bell said the proprietors had never taken the sorts of risks they had urged on British service personnel in calling for the war. Speaking during a debate at the festival on media coverage of the war in Iraq, Mr … Continue reading

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Two More US Troops Killed in Iraq

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) — Gunmen ambushed a U.S. military convoy in northern Iraq on Monday, killing an American soldier and wounding another. Separately, another U.S. soldier was killed and three were injured when a Humvee ran over a land mine … Continue reading

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U.S. Soldier Killed in Iraq Convoy Ambush

It was the second death of an American soldier in two days, after an American soldier died Sunday in an accidental munitions dump explosion near the town of Diwaniya, 95 miles south of Baghdad. The eight-vehicle convoy of the 3rd … Continue reading

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Iraq Tumbles into Anarchy

As the blood-red sun sinks below the Baghdad skyline, the shooting begins. It is the sound of the anarchy into which the Iraqi capital has spiralled since the war’s end: the rasp of machine-guns accompanied by arcs of red tracer … Continue reading

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“The Seduction Of War”

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Pentagon Secrets Galore

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