Yearly Archives: 2003

Pesticides Linked To Gulf War Illness

The report released Thursday said it is likely that at least 41,000 service members may have been overexposed to combinations of pest strips, sprayed pesticides and fly baits during the 1991 war. The conclusions were reached after the department’s Deployment … Continue reading

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US Media Aids US War Propaganda

But for Harper’s magazine publisher John MacArthur, that same image of U.S. military victory is also indicative of a propaganda campaign being waged by the Bush administration. “It was absolutely a photo-op created for (U.S. President George W.) Bush’s re-election … Continue reading

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Death by DU

Last week as the U.S. began pulling troops out of the Middle East, the Pentagon announced that it did not intend to tally the Iraqi civilian death toll. After weeks of boasting that the precision of our increasingly high-tech arsenal … Continue reading

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Pentagon Fails Gulf War Troops on Health Issues

Veterans’ advocacy groups say the blood tests could have helped the Pentagon track down the causes behind the variety of ailments, collectively known as Gulf war syndrome, that affect about 100,000 of the 700,000 veterans who served in the 1991 … Continue reading

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Pentagon: No Chem/Bio Agents Found in Iraq

“Hunt for Iraqi Arms Erodes Assumptions” Camp Doha, Kuwait – With little to show after 30 days, the Bush administration is losing confidence in its prewar belief that it had strong clues pointing to the whereabouts of weapons of mass … Continue reading

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Secret US File: Oust Regime in Pyongyang

Details of the document have emerged only days before the US and China are due to meet North Korea to try to convince it to abandon its nuclear weapons program. It argues that Washington’s goal should be the collapse of … Continue reading

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When the Bush Administration totals up the cost of the Iraq War it had best be prepared to tack on billions more to clean up the toxic residue of how this country wages war, specifically its widespread use of cluster … Continue reading

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Bush and Blair and the Big Lie

A California superior court judge sent me the following quotation, which is well worth pondering: “We must make clear to the Germans that the wrong for which their leaders are on trial is not that they lost the war, but … Continue reading

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Living with Enemy Dead, Friendly Fire

Baghdad, Iraq – A man staggers from his exploding car after running a checkpoint but returns for the limp body of a woman. A mother and 6-year-old child lie curled up in the cab of a civilian truck, riddled with … Continue reading

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The Toll Killing Takes on US Soldiers

The beefy Army drill sergeant has been a soldier since he was a teenager. Now 35, he was eager to go to war with the Third Infantry Division and do for real what he had been teaching recruits. But after … Continue reading

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