Yearly Archives: 2005

Troops to Call for Independent Commission on Torture

Media Advisory Troops to Call for Independent Commission on Torture;Press Conference on Open Letter signed by 3,700 veterans and family members CONTACT: Charles Sheehan-Miles, 202-558-4553INTERVIEWS AVAILABLE Nearly four years after the beginning of the War on Terror, the U.S. continues … Continue reading

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Former Powell aide links Cheney’s office to abuse directives

Vice President Dick Cheney’s office was responsible for directives that led to U.S. soldiers’ abusing prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan, a former top State Department official said Thursday.  Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Colin Powell, then the … Continue reading

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The Bush Effect: U.S. Military Involvement in Latin America Rises, Development and Humanitarian Aid Fall

While President George W. Bush is in Latin America to push his controversial free trade agenda, there is another type of trade to be concerned about. U.S. military aid, training and arms sales to the region have all increased sharply … Continue reading

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Senators Take On Bush With Torture Ban Proposal

Girding for a potential fight with the Bush administration, supporters of an explicit ban on torture of prisoners of war by U.S. interrogators threatened Friday to include the prohibition in nearly every bill the Senate considers until it becomes law. … Continue reading

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VCS Weekly Update: Veterans Day Press Conference

Show your support for our work. Order your bumper sticker or shirt today! November 4, 2005 Dear VCS Members and Supporters: The New York Times this week ran a critical article, “Detainee Policy Sharply Divides Bush Officials”, detailing the internal … Continue reading

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The Torture Test

The next several days will show whether our Congress has slipped its moral moorings.  Seldom have moral lines been so clearly drawn.  The issue is whether American armed forces and intelligence personnel should be permitted or forbidden to torture detainees. … Continue reading

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Red Cross Seeks Access to CIA Prison

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) called on Thursday for access to all foreign terrorism suspects held by the United States after a report of a covert CIA prison system for al Qaeda captives. The Washington Post said … Continue reading

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Bush’s Iraq War Policy Is Now in Play

Bush War Policy Is Now in Play Democrats renew their criticism as public opposition solidifies, the body count grows and prewar intelligence is under a new assault. Janet Hook and Ronald Brownstein, Los Angeles Times, November 3, 2005 WASHINGTON — … Continue reading

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Bush Retreats Inside His Bunker — Support in Polls Drops to 35{cd9ac3671b356cd86fdb96f1eda7eb3bb1367f54cff58cc36abbd73c33c82e1d}

Bush Retreats Inside His Bunker — His administration has become its own republic of fear, and Bush is a prisoner to the right Sidney Blumenthal, Guardian, Thursday November 3, 2005 One year after his re-election President Bush governs from a … Continue reading

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First Casualty of War

First Casualty of War By Eric Alterman, Los Angeles Times, November 3, 2005 Eric Alterman is a senior fellow of the Center for American Progress. His “When Presidents Lie: A History of Official Deception and its Consequences” is just out … Continue reading

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