Yearly Archives: 2006

Hell of war still haunts Iraq vets

WASHINGTON — Every day, Staff Sgt. Eugene Simpson is back in the pocket, looking for the open receiver downfield. In his mind, he’s there again, reliving his days as a high school football quarterback, a junior college cornerback and a … Continue reading

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Reservists fight to keep jobs

Lt. Col. Edgar Montalvo has been deployed overseas six times in 10 years. First Sgt. Brandi Schiff has spent more time overseas for the military in the last six years than in the United States. Montalvo and Schiff aren’t full-time … Continue reading

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Support for Veteran, but still no job

He’s getting national attention and support from people in high places. But so far, decorated military veteran Jason R. Lyon is having no luck in his quest to become a U.S. Postal Service mail carrier. The 28-year-old Hamburg man said … Continue reading

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Veterans face new battles back home

“The number one shared problem for veterans,” says former Marines Lt. Bobby Muller, “is how do you screw your head back on when you come back to society after having fought in a war.” Speaking before a crowd of Bryant … Continue reading

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Home Depot Welcoming to Vets

As a captain in the Army, Mike Mahon got plenty of salutes. These days, he gets nods and the occasional polite wave as he walks the aisles of his current base — a Home Depot store in Oswego. Mahon, 29, … Continue reading

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Returning Veterans Face Bleak Job Market

Veterans returning from tours of duty overseas face a bleak job market at home, according to a published report. Employment prospects are especially dismal for young veterans and for those searching in Illinois, the Chicago Sun-Times reported in today’s editions. … Continue reading

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Families help soldiers through post traumatic stress disorder

MOBILE, Ala. – Sgt. Milton Caples made it home safely to his wife and daughter after a year in Iraq, but thoughts of suicide bombers, mortar attacks and rapid pops of gunfire haunted him. The security convoy driver would lapse … Continue reading

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Iraq Widow to Sue Army

THE widow of a Carlisle soldier who committed suicide after a six-month tour of duty in Iraq has vowed to sue the Ministry of Defence. Donna Mahoney, whose husband, 45, gassed himself in the family car in August last year, … Continue reading

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‘Wounded warrior’ reaches out to help other amputees

Everything went right east of Tikrit on Nov. 15, 2004. At least that’s the way 1st Lt. Ed Salau sees it, though that was the day he lost his left leg. As platoon leader, he had 20 of his guys … Continue reading

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U.S. lacks mechanism to accurately track troops wounded in Iraq

here is no disputing the number of American troops who have died in the war on terror. At press time, more than 2,590 soldiers had lost their lives, according to U.S. Department of Defense numbers. But the number of wounded … Continue reading

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