Yearly Archives: 2006

UN inquiry demands immediate closure of Guantanamo

A United Nations inquiry has called for the immediate closure of America’s Guantanamo Bay detention centre and the prosecution of officers and politicians “up to the highest level” who are accused of torturing detainees. The UN Human Rights Commission report, … Continue reading

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Next Steps In Iraq

First off, I want to report that the atmosphere here in Washington is electric with the possibility that Fitzgerald is about to indict up to 22 individuals, likely to include Cheney, Rove, Libby, Fleischer, Matalin and Hadley. I write this … Continue reading

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OP-ED: Cheney and Presidential Powers

OP_ED: Vice President Cheney and The Fight Over “Inherent” Presidential Powers: His Attempt to Swing the Pendulum Back Began Long Before 9/11 By JOHN W. DEAN, Find Law, Friday, Feb. 10, 2006 Vice President Dick Cheney has stirred up an old … Continue reading

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OP-ED: The Dictator Defense

OP-ED: The Dictator Defense Bush’s attorney general won’t dare explain the real basis for warrantless spying on Americans: Pure, unbridled executive power. By David Cole, Salon, Februrary 10, 2006 The congressional inquiry into President Bush’s authorizing the National Security Agency to … Continue reading

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Executive Power: War on the Constitution

There are prior and current members of the Bush administration, including Vice President Dick Cheney, who openly argue that if the country is at war, the president should be able to ignore domestic and international law outlawing torture, prohibiting illegal … Continue reading

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Eroding U.S. industrial base comes with price

The United States of America has historically enjoyed self-sufficiency in times of both war and peace but in order to better assess its present place in the world as concerns its military and economic strength, it is important to reflect … Continue reading

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US Defense Dept report singles out China as potential military rival

WASHINGTON (AFX) – A major review of US military strategy singled out China as the country with the greatest potential to challenge the US militarily. The Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) noted China’s steady but secretive military buildup since 1996. ‘Of … Continue reading

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Bush told Blair we’re going to war, memo reveals

Bush told Blair we’re going to war, memo reveals · PM backed invasion despite illegality warnings · Plan to disguise US jets as UN planes · Bush: postwar violence unlikely Richard Norton-Taylor, Guardian, Thursday February 2, 2006 Tony Blair told … Continue reading

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Probable Cause for Alarm

Probable Cause for Alarm Press ignores Ex-NSA chief’s ignorance of Constitution FAIR, January 27, 2006 When FEMA Director Michael Brown claimed not to be aware of the evacuee crisis at the New Orleans Convention Center following Hurricane Katrina (NPR, 9/1/05), … Continue reading

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Bush’s Iran Options Limited by Iraq, Perils of War

Jan. 23 (Bloomberg) — “Grave threat” is how U.S. President George W. Bush described Iraq three years ago. Today he uses that same phrase — to characterize Iran. The resemblance between these two standoffs ends with the rhetoric, analysts say. … Continue reading

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