Yearly Archives: 2007

Vetting the VA

VA medical care ranks among the world’s best. But the system is dogged by red tape, disrepair. Older vets worry that the influx of veterans from Iraq could crimp benefits. May 2007 – The report in February sparked outrage. The … Continue reading

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Study Suggests Cancer Risk From Depleted Uranium

May 8, 2007 – Depleted uranium, which is used in armour-piercing ammunition, causes widespread damage to DNA which could lead to lung cancer, according to a study of the metal’s effects on human lung cells. The study adds to growing … Continue reading

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Kansas Tornado Renews Debate on Guard at War

CHICAGO, May 8 — For months, Gov. Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas and other governors have warned that their state National Guards are ill-prepared for the next local disaster, be it a tornado, a flash flood or a terrorist’s threat, because … Continue reading

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Veterans: VA medical system isn’t as big a success as officials have asserted

VCS Note: This story has two parts — see below for second part.  WASHINGTON – The Department of Veterans Affairs has habitually exaggerated the record of its medical system, inflating its achievements in ways that make it appear more successful … Continue reading

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A Crusade and a Holy War in the VA

May 8, 2007 – An Orthodox Jew and former petty officer in the US Navy said his civil rights were violated after a chaplain and officials at a Veterans Administration hospital in Iowa City, Iowa, tried to convert him to … Continue reading

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VA Benefits System for PTSD Victims is Criticized

The government’s methods for deciding compensation for emotionally disturbed veterans have little basis in science, are applied unevenly and may even create disincentives for veterans to get better, an influential scientific advisory group said yesterday. The critique by the Institute … Continue reading

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New VA Advisory Panel to Improve Services for Returning Combat Veterans

NEWS RELEASE  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMay 8, 2007 New VA Advisory Panel to Improve Services for Returning Combat Veterans WASHINGTON – Secretary of Veterans Affairs Jim Nicholson today announced the formation of a formal, 17-person committee that will advise him on … Continue reading

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Private Health Care Considered for Wounded Veterans

May 4, 2007 – SAN ANTONIO (AP) — The military and Department of Veterans Affairs has enough beds to treat veterans with traumatic brain injuries, but the leaders of a presidential commission suggested today that more use of private care … Continue reading

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The Cost of War, Unnoticed

Why Iraq and Afghanistan Haven’t Squeezed the Average American’s Wallet The global war on terror, as President Bush calls the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan and related military operations, is about to become the second-most-expensive conflict in U.S. history, after … Continue reading

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Doctors Urge Better Pain Care for Troops

WASHINGTON (AP) – They call it the coming tsunami, veterans returning from Iraq who will suffer chronic pain years from now. Get ready, military doctors are warning pain specialists, even as they hope that slowly improving battlefield pain control may … Continue reading

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