Yearly Archives: 2007

US Army Ranks Begin to Thin

Thousands more mid-level enlisted soldiers are leaving the Army than in each of the past two years, forcing the service to increase its use of pay-to-stay programs and find other ways to keep GIs in the fold. Four years into … Continue reading

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U.S. Diplomats Returning From Iraq With PTSD

WASHINGTON — U.S. diplomats are returning from Iraq with the same debilitating, stress-related symptoms that have afflicted many U.S. troops, prompting the State Department to order a mental health survey of 1,400 employees who have completed assignments there. Larry Brown, … Continue reading

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Injured Connecticut Soldier Denied Service Benefits

(Southington-WTNH) _ A presidential task force has announced new measures to improve what it describes as unacceptably poor coordination between the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the defense department when it comes to helping wounded veterans of Iraq … Continue reading

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Military Families Among Those Hit With Home Foreclosures

The number of defaulted home mortgages in the state has risen sharply in recent years, and about a third of foreclosure auctions in the Fayetteville area have involved active-duty military families or veterans. Moreira Team is a boutique mortgage broker … Continue reading

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Editorial – Back in the Days of Mission Accomplished

NEW YORK Tuesday marked the fourth anniversary of President Bush’s jet landing on the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln and his speech declaring major fighting in Iraq over, all in front of a giant “Mission Accomplished” banner. At the time, it … Continue reading

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VCS Weekly Update: Hello from Paul, Your New Executive Director

May 1, 2007 Dear VCS Supporters: For this update, I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself and let you know why I came to work for Veterans for Common Sense. Five years ago the Administration began selling … Continue reading

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Editorial – America’s Shadow Army in Iraq

May 1, 2007 | The Democratic leadership in Congress is once again gearing up for a great sellout on the Iraq war. While the wrangling over the $124 billion Iraq supplemental spending bill is being headlined in the media as … Continue reading

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Ex-CIA Officials Call On Tenet to Give Back His Medals

April 30, 2007 – In his much-watched “60 Minutes” interview on Sunday, former CIA director George Tenet spoke passionately in defense of his former colleagues at the agency, saying they had been maligned and scapegoated by the Bush administration. Tenet … Continue reading

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Soldier’s Grieving Wife Speaks

In an exclusive interview with FOX21’s Grace Polanski, Renea Waltz said, “The military killed my husband.” Renea’s 40-year-old husband, Staff Sergeant Mark Waltz died in their home Monday morning. Waltz said, “Those people who did not help my husband, killed … Continue reading

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Editorial – For His Dunk, Tenet Deserves Slam

“If you can’t say something positive about someone, don’t say anything.” This was drummed into me by my Irish grandmother and, as was the case with most of her admonishments, it has stood me in good stead. On occasion, though, … Continue reading

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