August 27, 2008 – Back in April, we put together a list of resources that compiled and compared candidate positions on a number of foreign policy issues. It’s August now, things have changed, positions have evolved, and more organizations are keeping track. Here’s an updated list:
* Center for U.S. Global Engagement – Candidates’ Corner: Candidate profiles with quotes and positions on development, diplomacy and other foreign policy issues.
* Citizens for Global Solutions – ’08 or Bust: Candidate comments on 13 global issues with comparison matrix, ability for users to enter candidate quotes and videos, and responses to CGS’s Presidential Candidate Questionnaire from back in the Clinton, Edwards, Obama, and Richardson days of yore.
* Council for a Livable World – Presidential Election Center: Blog on candidate speeches, media analysis and commentary on the elections.
* Council on Foreign Relations – Campaign 2008: Candidate positions by candidate and on 20 different foreign policy issues, a campaign blog, and candidate interviews, speeches, debates and opeds.
* One Campaign – One Vote ‘08: Videotaped replies to questions about poverty and global disease posed to candidates by ONE Campaign members.
* Foreign Policy: The Foreign Policy “Passport” blog has running commentary on the candidate’s foreign policy positions.
* Friends Committee on National Legislation – Presidential Candidates Report: Summary of candidate positions on Iran, Iraq and nuclear weapons.
* The Save Darfur Coalition Presidential Candidates on Darfur: contains links to videos and positions on Darfur and Africa policy.
* Caucus for Priorities: Candidate positions on the defense budget and nuclear weapons.
* German Marshall Fund: A site that highlights and provides analysis on the presidential candidate’s positions on transatlantic issues.
* Human Rights First: HRF’s Elect to End Torture ’08 Campaign features a regular blog which scrutinizes the presidential campaigns and the Democratic and Republican parties on their positions on torture
* Kaiser Family Foundation 2008 Candidate Issue Spotlight: Global Health and HIV/AIDS
* NPR: A compilation of audio and video clips and news stories organized by issue areas
* The Secure America Challenge: Partnership for a Secure America presents candidate responses to 5 questions on international development, human rights, energy security and climate change, nuclear terrorism and US-China relations.
* The Washington Post: Candidate “Issue tracker” covers a number of purely domestic issues, plus the environment, globalization, immigration and the Iraq War.
Please let us know in the comments section if we’ve missed any good resources for identifying foreign policy positions!