Yearly Archives: 2009

Murder Trial of U.s. Soldier Goes to Jury

February 20, 2009, Vilseck, Germany – A U.S. Army medic accused of involvement in the execution-style killings of four bound and blindfolded Iraqi prisoners ha his fate placed in the hands of a nine-person jury that will decide if he … Continue reading

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VCS in the News: Poll Finds Low Opinion of Military Medical Care

May 24, 2008 – A majority of Americans believe that wounded troops don’t receive high quality medical care in military and Veteran’s Administration hospitals, according to a new Harvard School of Public Health poll. Military families share that view, the … Continue reading

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VA Nurses: One Step Closer to Restored Bargaining Rights

February 19, 2009 – Katrina Blomdahl, writer-researcher for RNs Working Together, says the organization applauds moves to return bargaining rights to Veterans Affairs nurses. RNs Working Together is a coalition of 10 AFL-CIO unions representing more than 200,000 registered nurses … Continue reading

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Montana Model for Assessing Returning Vets for PTSD and TBI

February 18, 2009 – Following the suicide two years ago of a recently deployed combat vet, Montana has become a model for accessing and assisting veterans who show symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). While … Continue reading

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VA Won’t Release Records About Spokane Psychiatrist

February 17, 2009, Spokane, WA – The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs will not say whether the psychiatrist who attended to two veterans who killed themselves last year was involved in other cases resulting in suicide in 2008. Finding that … Continue reading

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Negligence Suit Blames VA in Man’s Death

February 16, 2009 – The widow of a mentally distressed man who fell to his death from the roof of the Veterans Affairs Medical Center after seeking help there is suing doctors for $4.5 million. The suit claims that emergency … Continue reading

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Cohen Seeks Inquiry into Firing of VA Psychologist

February 15, 2009 – Congressman Steve Cohen has requested an investigation of a popular psychologist’s termination from  Memphis Veterans Medical Center for her handling of a phone call from a distraught Iraq war veteran. The Memphis democrat last week confirmed … Continue reading

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Former Gitmo Guard Recalls Abuse, Climate of Fear

February 15, 2009, San Juan, Puerto Rico – Army Pvt. Brandon Neely was scared when he took Guantanamo’s first shackled detainees off a bus. Told to expect vicious terrorists, he grabbed a trembling, elderly detainee and ground his face into … Continue reading

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Feb 17, VCS Torture FOIA Lawsuit Update: Hearing Delayed 30 Days

UPDATE: This Hearing Has Been Cancelled as of 4PM February 17, But Will Be Re-scheduled. February 17, 2009, New York – February 17 – A federal judge will hold a hearing tomorrow to examine the Obama administration’s request for a … Continue reading

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Defense Dept. Claims of Gitmo Prisoners Returning to Battlefield Debunked

February 3, 2009 – A prominent law professor is charging that the Defense Department is issuing questionable data on the number of Guantanamo detainees who have been released “and then returned to the battlefield” because the government “is now in … Continue reading

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