Yearly Archives: 2009

Letter to Editor: Many Soldiers and Veterans Need Help

February 13, 2009 – The Times Union has reported (Jan. 30 and Feb. 6) that Army suicides are at a record level. In 2008, approximately 143 soldiers killed themselves, an increase of almost 25 percent over the previous year. The … Continue reading

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U.S. Sought to Expand Asia Base

February 11, 2009 – The United States had plans to spend up to $100 million to enlarge loading areas at Manas Air Base in Kyrgyzstan to support Afghanistan operations before the Kyrgyz president announced that he would close the facility … Continue reading

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Yes, Bush’s Torture Policies Resulted in Murder

February 11, 2009 – Newly declassified Defense Department documents describe a pattern of “abusive” behavior by U.S. military interrogators that directly led to the deaths of several suspected terrorists imprisoned at a detention center in Afghanistan in December 2002. The … Continue reading

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U.S. Soldier Who Abandoned Unit Returns from Canada

February 10, 2009, Savannah, GA – Sporting a dragon tattoo on his forearm and skulls on both biceps, Cliff Cornell looks tough. But he dissolves into tears as he reflects on his return to the Army four years after he … Continue reading

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Help is Available for War Veterans – VA Starting Outreach Campaign to Iraq War Veterans

February 10, 2009, New Jersey – The Department of Veterans Affairs is mounting a huge outreach campaign to all Iraq war veterans and their families. The returning veterans face a myriad of problems as they begin to integrate themselves back … Continue reading

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Blog: Senator Feingold Hits Obama Administration Over Extraordinary Rendition Decision

February 10, 2009 – Senator  Russ Feingold is sharply criticizing the Obama administration over its  controversial decision to maintain the Bush administration’s position in a closely watched lawsuit involving alleged victims of extraordinary rendition, a decision that generated a storm … Continue reading

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Blog: Obama May Postposne Afghan Surge; Severe Problems in Supply Routes Afflict Afghanistan War Effort

February 8, 2009 – While the attention of the US public and the news media here has been consumed (understandably enough) by the congressional debate over the economic stimulus plan, America’s war in Afghanistan has nearly collapsed because of logistical … Continue reading

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No Time to Neglect the Federal Work Force: Q&A with Linda Bilmes

February 9, 2009 – Harvard professor Linda Bilmes served as an assistant secretary in President Clinton’s Commerce Department and is co-author of an upcoming book, The People Factor: Strengthening America By Investing In Public Service, which she wrote along with … Continue reading

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Oregon PBS Will Air Documentary on PTSD

February 9, 2009 – Far too little information exists for American combat veterans who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, commonly referred to as PTSD. Hundreds of thousands of men and women have been diagnosed with PTSD, and with each … Continue reading

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Feb 10, Part Four of Salon Suicide Series: ‘Kill Yourself, Save Us The Paperwork’ – The Death of Ryan Alderman

February 10, 2009, Fort Carson, CO – It was unseasonably warm for November in Colorado as Heidi Lieberman approached the door of the Soldiers’ Memorial Chapel at Fort Carson. She walked past a few of the large evergreens that dot … Continue reading

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