Yearly Archives: 2009

Editorial Column: The Empire v. The Graveyard

February 5, 2009 – It is now a commonplace — as a lead article in the New York Times’s Week in Review pointed out recently — that Afghanistan is “the graveyard of empires.” Given Barack Obama’s call for a greater … Continue reading

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Movie Review: Unembedded Truth – ‘Road to Fallujah’ Iraq War Documentary

February 5, 2009 – It was with profound shame that I left the theater after the Film Festival showing of The Road to Fallujah – a hatred of myself for not having devoted every minute of my life these past … Continue reading

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Parents of Ex-Marine Who Killed Himself Sue VA

February 5, 2009 – The Oak Beach parents of a 21-year-old ex-Marine who died of a heroin overdose are suing the Department of Veterans Affairs, saying admissions personnel at a VA hospital in Pennsylvania incorrectly advised their son that he … Continue reading

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Feb 7, Head of Associated Press Blasts Pentagon’s $4.7 Billion Propaganda Campaign and Restrictions on Reporters

Associated Press Chief Executive Officer Urges Better Press Access to Military Operations February 7, 2009, Lawrence, Kansas (AP) — The Bush administration turned the U.S. military into a global propaganda machine while imposing tough restrictions on journalists seeking to give … Continue reading

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Chairman Filner Says New VA Secretary Shinseki off to ‘Great Start’

Secretary promises to be forceful advocate for veterans and forthright with Congress. February 4, 2009, Washington, DC – On Wednesday, February 4, 2009, House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Chairman Bob Filner conducted a hearing on the state of the Department … Continue reading

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President Obama Seeks Russia Deal to Slash Nuclear Weapons

February 4, 2009 – President Obama will convene the most ambitious arms reduction talks with Russia for a generation, aiming to slash each country’s stockpile of nuclear weapons by 80 per cent. The radical treaty would cut the number of … Continue reading

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Billion-Dollar Budgeting Demands Oversight

February 5, 2009 – Linda Bilmes served as an assistant secretary in President Clinton’s Commerce Department and has written extensively about government budgets and the costs of the Iraq War. It’s Professor Bilmes these days, as she teaches advanced budgeting … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: There is No Victory in Iraq

February 5, 2009 – It is hard to read stories like  this one from the New York Times, and to not be heartened, if nothing else than on a purely human level:     BAGHDAD — Iraqis voted on Saturday for … Continue reading

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Feb 6, Iraq and Afghanistan War Toll Rises: Army Active Duty Suicides Skyrocket to 24 During January 2009

February 6, 2009 – Seven soldiers committed suicide in January and the cause of death in 17 other cases is still pending, Army officials announced Thursday, marking a significant increase in soldier suicides from the same time period in previous … Continue reading

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Chairman Hall to Hold Oversight Hearing on VA Document Shredding

Joint Subcommittees on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs and Oversight and Investigations Hearing: Document Tampering and Mishandling at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Date: February 25, 2009Time: 10:00 a.m.Location: 334 Cannon HOB

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