Yearly Archives: 2009

CIA Vets Blast Senate Probe of Operations Under Bush

March 6, 2009 – For a handful of CIA operatives who were on the frontlines of the war on terror in the early months and years after 9/11, it’s the stuff of nightmares. After all, they did their job as … Continue reading

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Newspaper Editorial: Suicide Risk is High for Veterans of All Eras

March 5, 2009 – Here is a tragic statistic: More Vietnam veterans died of suicide than were killed in action during that war. And the risk of suicide remains high among veterans of all eras and conflicts. Each year, about … Continue reading

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Bush Memos on Presidential Power Shock Legal Experts

March 4, 2009 – Legal experts said Tuesday they were taken aback by the claim in the latest batch of secret Bush-era memos that the president alone had the power to set the rules during the war on terrorism. Yale … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: A Truth Commission for the Bush Era?

March 2, 2009 – A USA Today/Gallup poll in February found that 62 percent of Americans favor a criminal investigation or an independent panel to look into the use of torture, illegal wiretapping, and other alleged abuses of power by … Continue reading

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Book Review: ‘War Comes Home’ Reveals VA’s Neglect of Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans

March 5, 2009 – “Members of Congress and bureaucrats at the Pentagon and the Department of Veterans Affairs may not be attacking vets with mortars and IEDs, but they are literally killing them with indifference.”— Aaron Glantz Coming on the … Continue reading

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VA Secretary Vows Action on Benefits Backlog

March 3, 2009 – The American Legion, in Washington for its annual lobbying push, received pledges of support on Tuesday from members of Congress and the Veterans Affairs secretary, with an emphasis on improving VA’s processing of claims for benefits … Continue reading

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Mar 5, New VA Scandal: 16,000 Unopened Claims Letters Hidden at VA’s Detroit Office

March 3, 2009 –  A new report about Veterans Affairs Department employees squirreling away tens of thousands of unopened letters related to benefits claims is sparking fresh concerns that veterans and their survivors are being cheated out of money. VA … Continue reading

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Congressman Murtha Says Afghanistan Plan Lacks Goal – 600,000 Troops May Be Needed

March 3, 2009 – Rep. John Murtha said Tuesday the situation in Afghanistan is so challenging that he estimated it would take 600,000 troops to fully squelch violence in the country. The Pennsylvania Democrat, who chairs the powerful subcommittee that … Continue reading

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Family Blames VA for Veteran’s Suicide

February 28, 2009 – A North Idaho family blames the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for the death of a Navy veteran who killed himself last year amid a sharp increase in suicides among patients receiving care at the Spokane … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: Wars, Endless Wars

March 3, 2009 – The singer Edwin Starr, who died in 2003, had a big hit in 1970 called “War” in which he asked again and again: “War, what is it good for?” The U.S. economy is in free fall, … Continue reading

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