Call Congress and VA Now: VA Set to Stop Some Gulf War Benefits Dec. 31

September 19, 2011 ( – For Gulf War Veterans with certain ailments like: Chronic fatigue syndrome; Firbromyalgia; Functional gastrointestinal disorders; and other undiagnosed illnesses the current deadline for when the condition must have “appeared” is on or before December 31, 2011.

If you have any conditions that are “undiagnosed” and you did a tour in the Middle East, this could apply to you. The VA is working to extend the deadline to December 31, 2018. If this occurs, it will be great news for veterans and military members who develop symptoms after the 2011 cut-off. However, since there is no guarantee that the deadline will be extended veterans suffering from undiagnosed conditions are encouraged to talk with their Veteran Service Officer about filing a disability claim for these conditions.

Check out the Military Advantage Blog to get more information.

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