Just another case of VA cooking the books to make things look better. Don’t let them get away with it. Tampa Bay Business Journal Date: Monday, April 30, 2012, 6:20am EDT
An investigation by the Tampa Bay Timesindicates that the region’s two veterans hospitals are quietly changing their procedures to make their wait times look less daunting. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs denies the paper’s accusations.
The James A. Haley VA Medical Center in Tampa increased the amount of time a patient has to go with no appointment before they are put on a wait list from 30 to 120 days, according to the Times. This means the waiting list for outpatient appointments dropped from almost 5,000 in March to only 1,800 in April.
The VA Medical Center at Bay Pines changed its wait list time measure in 2010, according to the Times.
VA policy does not mandate a specific amount of time a veteran must wait between appointments before being put on the wait list.