Category Archives: Gulf War Updates

Rushing Toward War

August 12, 2008 – As the Bush Administration begins its final months in office, it has embarked upon two courses of action that will pre-empt the scope of the incoming Obama or McCain administration and will plague America for years … Continue reading

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Editorial Column: No More Vietnams

August 9, 2008 – The conversation turned, briefly, to what happens when the wars end. Someday. Will industries that produce war materiel back off production, shutting down lines and laying off workers, or will we peddle our surplus to other … Continue reading

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Embedded Reporters or Republican Activists?

August 8, 2008 – On its face, it seems like an idea any enterprising editor could have come up with: Gather a group of veterans of the Iraq war who also have journalism experience, including some highly decorated soldiers. Then … Continue reading

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Exclusive: To Provoke War, Cheney Considered Proposal to Dress Up Navy Seals as Iranians and Shoot At Them

July 31, 2008 – Speaking at the Campus Progress journalism conference earlier this month, Seymour Hersh – a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist for The New Yorker – revealed that Bush administration officials held a meeting recently in the Vice President’s office to discuss … Continue reading

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Aug 3, Energy Policy Alert: If This Video Doesn’t Get Us Off Oil, Nothing Will

August 1, 2008, If we’re addicted to oil, our twelve-step program should begin with admitting that we have a problem. As the price of oil creeps higher, finding new energy sources is more important than ever. But the search for … Continue reading

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New Research Shows PTSD Leaves Physical Footprints on the Brain

July 27, 2008 -At a recent conference for some of the area’s leading neurologists, San Francisco physicist Norbert Schuff captured his colleagues’ attention when he presented colorful brain images of U.S. soldiers who had returned from Iraq and Afghanistan and … Continue reading

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A Soldier Shares His Life After Combat Deployment

July 30, 2008 – It was a lost high-school class ring that eventually put me in touch with Mark Sewell, a 1980 graduate of Union High School in Tulsa, Okla. The ring had been stolen in a burglary more than … Continue reading

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July 26, Book Review: Bitter Homecoming – Marty Schram’s New Book Sharply Criticizes VA Bungling

Marty Schram notes one anecdotal but perhaps telling incident. In an upscale bar near the White House, a VA administrator bragged that he’d spent the afternoon immersed in medical books, extracting enough information to cast doubt on the validity of … Continue reading

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Assault Victims in Military Face Tough Recovery

July 22, 2008, York, PA – It took Diane Pickel Plappert six months to tell a counselor that she had been raped while on duty in Iraq. While time passed, the former Navy nurse disconnected from her children and her … Continue reading

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Rep. Ackerman Defends Iran Sanctions Measure, But Critics Call it An Act of War

July 21, 2008 – Two weeks ago, Rep. Gary Ackerman, the Democrat from New York, delivered an impassioned speech on the House floor defending a controversial resolution he co-sponsored calling on President George W. Bush “to increase economic, political and … Continue reading

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