Category Archives: Gulf War Updates

Persian Gulf—or Tonkin Gulf?

In a pair of editorials after the 1991 Gulf War, one of them titled “Don’t Shoot Down Iraqi Aircraft,” The New York Times called the plan to create vast “no-fly zones” (NFZs) in Iraq “legally untenable and politically unwise.” The … Continue reading

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Gulf War II Price Tag For Each State

Here is the National Priorities Project’s recent factsheet on the “Cost of Invading Iraq to your State.” Please go to our website at: and see page 2 for your state’s price tag. You may want to consider using this … Continue reading

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Former troops worry about Gulf War syndrome, what weapons Saddam might use

“I think we should have finished what we started the first time around,” said James Sylvester, 31, of Odessa, Texas, a soldier with a transportation unit in Saudi Arabia during Operation Desert Storm in 1991. “I wish that we had … Continue reading

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New Gulf War II Estimate: $1.9 Trillion

Researchers concluded in a study released Thursday that war with Iraq could cost the United States from $99 billion to more than $1.9 trillion over a decade. The lower figure assumes a successful military, diplomatic and nation-building campaign; the higher … Continue reading

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Senator: Focus on Economy not Gulf War II

CLEVELAND (AP) — Democratic presidential hopeful John Kerry said Tuesday that President Bush has used the threat of war in Iraq to distract attention from the nation’s economic problems, and he promised to make those issues the centerpiece of his … Continue reading

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Antiwar Movement Grows

AMHERST, Mass. — The idea was hatched on a bright day in August, when Daphne Reed was celebrating her daughter’s and granddaughter’s birthdays, and the talk around the living room sofa turned to war. Reed began worrying that her 25-year-old … Continue reading

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$200 Billion Cost for Gulf War II?

Within a month of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990, the first Bush administration launched what became known as “Operation Tin Cup” — a frenzied round of diplomacy aimed at getting U.S. allies to help pay for war … Continue reading

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Could Gulf War II Cost $1.6 Trillion?

Recent studies suggest that even a successful military campaign in Iraq could carry a hefty price tag “It seems likely that Americans are underestimating the economic commitments involved in a war with Iraq,” says William Nordhaus, an economics professor at … Continue reading

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The U.S. Economic Costs of Gulf War II

It is Feb. 7, 2003, just after U.S. troops have seized several Iraqi airfields to be used as staging areas. Suddenly, Scud missiles — armed with both chemical and conventional warheads — strike the airfields. Hundreds of Americans die. The … Continue reading

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Gulf War Veterans Fight a Different Battle

Mitchell Lambert came back from the Persian Gulf War with lasting souvenirs — rashes, lumps, headaches and seizures. He’s convinced that those symptoms relate to the four months he spent serving his country in the Mideast more than a decade … Continue reading

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