Category Archives: Gulf War Updates

Mar 19, VCS Quoted in Article About Iraq War Soldier’s Suicide: The Long Lonely Road Home for John Fish

Paul Sullivan of Veterans for Common Sense says there is more at stake here than the wishes of one family. “The Army failed to follow their own rules when the Army deployed an unfit soldier,” he said.  “Until there is … Continue reading

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Vets Need Help Fighting War in Their Heads

March 11, 2009 – President Obama’s new secretary for Veterans Affairs, retired general Eric Shinseki, is coming to town Friday to visit the VA Medical Center in North Chicago. Here’s hoping he meets Maj. Shari Johnson of the U.S. Army … Continue reading

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Why the Dark Secrets of the First Gulf War are Still Haunting Us

February 27, 2009 – With rare exceptions, American politicians seem incapable of opposing an American war without befriending another in a different place or time. Barack Obama, an early and ardent enemy of the Iraq War, quickly declared his affinity … Continue reading

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’94 Military Report Panned Humvee as ‘Deathtrap’

February 3, 2009 – Army and Marine Corps officials knew nearly a decade before the invasion of Iraq that its workhorse Humvee vehicle, was a “deathtrap” even with armor added to protect it against roadside bombs, according to an inspector … Continue reading

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Jan 29, VCS FOIA Campaign News: Iraq, Afghanistan VA Patients Exceed 400,000

January 29, 2009 – As the number of veterans seeking health care continues to rise, the VA is straining to meet demands. Amid talk of a drawdown of troops in Iraq, new statistics from the Department of Defense (DoD) and … Continue reading

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Jan 29: Alternet Interviews VCS About National Security, Civil Liberties, and Veterans

January 29, 2009 – Paul Sullivan is a veteran of the 1991 Gulf War, serving in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq as a Cavalry Scout with the Army’s 1st Armored Division. As executive director of the National Gulf War Resource … Continue reading

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Keeping the Promise: Chairman Filner’s Agenda for Veterans for the 111th Congress

January 27, 2009 – January 27, 2009, Washington, D.C. – On Tuesday, January 27, 2009, with both Democratic and Republican Members of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs in attendance, Chairman Bob Filner held a meeting with 34 veterans service … Continue reading

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Charity Appeal: How Brain Scans Show the Trauma of War

January 26, 2009 – For the Ancient Greeks, it was a “divine madness” that infected the minds of soldiers. During the US Civil War, it became known as “soldier’s heart”. By the First World War it was called shell shock. … Continue reading

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Jan 26, VCS Urges VA Secretary Shinseki to Grant Presumption of PTSD Benefits Based on Scientific Research

Here is our VCS letter to Secretary Shinseki urging him to use his rule-making authority to promulgate a regulation establishing a presumption of service connection for Gulf War, Iraq War, and Afghanistan war veterans diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) based … Continue reading

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VCS Report for President-Elect Obama: Our VCS Vision for Vibrant VA in 2009

November 5, 2008  The Honorable Barack ObamaPresident-Elect  Dear President-Elect Obama:  Congratulations on your election.  As our next President of the United States of America, you face a serious challenge in fixing a badly broken Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and … Continue reading

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