Category Archives: Legislative News

Paul Sullivan Testifies: From the Inside Out: A Look at Claims Representatives’ Role in the Disability Claims Process

  From the Inside Out: A Look at Claims Representatives’ Role in the Disability Claims Process House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs | 334 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC | Apr 18, 2012 10:00am Witness Testimony of Mr. Paul Sullivan, Managing … Continue reading

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VCS Provides Written Comments on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses Task Force Draft Written Report

VCS Provides Written Comments on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses Task Force Draft Written Report Ill Gulf War Veterans Urge VA to Improve VA’s Policies May 3, 2010, Washington, DC – VCS supports VA Secretary Shinseki’s genuine efforts to listen to … Continue reading

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VCS Testimony: FY2010 Veterans Programs Budget Proposals

Fiscal Year 2010 Veterans Programs Budget Proposals A hearing was held on the proposed fiscal year 2010 budget for programs for veterans. Witnesses testified about the $112.8 billion budget for 2010, which was a $15 billion boost from the previous … Continue reading

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VCS Testimony: FY2009 Veterans Affairs Budget Proposal

Fiscal Year 2009 Veterans Affairs Budget Proposal Secretary James Peake testified about the proposed fiscal year 2009 budget for the Department of Veterans Affairs. Witnesses representing veterans’ organizations including Veterans for Common Sense also testified about the budget request and … Continue reading

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VCS Call To Action: Honor the Legacy

Over the weekend, an article in the Oregonian ( accompanied by graphic photographs described a very disturbing incident which took place in Iraq on June 29, one day after the handover to the Iraqi interim government. According to the article, … Continue reading

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