Tag Archives: Guantanamo

Guantanamo Prosecutor Who Quit Had ‘Grave Misgivings’ About Fairness

October 12, 2008 – Darrel J. Vandeveld was in despair. The hard-nosed lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve, a self-described conformist praised by his superiors for his bravery in Iraq, had lost faith in the Guantanamo Bay war crimes tribunals … Continue reading

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Oct 9, Civil Liberties News: Recently Releaed Government Documents Show President Bush Ordered Illegal Torture Here in America Against U.S. Citizens

October 8, 2008 – According to newly released military documents, the Navy applied lawless Guantánamo protocols in detention facilities on American soil. The documents, which include regular emails between brig officers and others in the chain of command, uncover new … Continue reading

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Oct 7, VCS Mentioned in Editorial Column About Torture: Even Blind Justice Sees Through the Bush Administration

October 6, 2008 – Justice may be blind, sometimes deaf and too often dumb, but every once in a while it still gets something right. The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit recently ordered the government to … Continue reading

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Psychiatrists Protest Pentagon Interrogations

September 26, 2008 – The nation’s leading organization of psychiatrists says the Pentagon has reneged on an agreement not to use psychiatrists in interrogations of detainees at Guantanamo and other detention sites. In a  letter to Defense Secretary Robert Gates, … Continue reading

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The Last Tour: A Decorated Marine’s War Within Ends in Murder-Suicide at Grand Canyon

September 29, 2008 – When the Twiggs brothers got to the Grand Canyon, on May 12th, Willard called his girlfriend, a married woman in Louisiana, on Travis’s cell phone. She had to see the canyon someday, he said. “It will … Continue reading

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Psychologists Clash on Aiding Interrogations

August 15, 2008 – They have closely studied suspects, looking for mental quirks. They have suggested lines of questioning. They have helped decide when a confrontation is too intense, or when to push harder. More than those in the other … Continue reading

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A Detainnee Speaks: I’m Home, but Still Haunted by Guantanamo

August 17, 2008 – I’ve covered the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, since 2004 as military correspondent for The Post. Jumah al Dossari first caught my attention in October 2005, when I heard the story of his gruesome … Continue reading

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Would Obama Prosecute the Bush Administration for Torture?

August 4, 2008, Washington, DC – On the campaign trail in April, Barack Obama was asked whether, if elected, he would prosecute Bush administration officials for establishing torture as American policy. The candidate demurred. “If crimes have been committed, they … Continue reading

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Rights Group Wants US Officials Probed for Ordering Torture

July 25, 2008, Washington, DC – A Nobel-prize-winning rights group said US officials committed war crimes by ordering what the group says was torture of detainees, and called for them to be probed and prosecuted. “There must be a complete … Continue reading

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Ho Hum Hamdan

July 25, 2008 – The more things change the more they stay the same. The long-awaited military trial of terror suspect Salim Hamdan, currently underway at the euphemistically-named “Camp Justice” at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, looks from the outside to be … Continue reading

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